War Thunder in General, a rant

It’s only a major flaw on old European Province which isn’t in the game anymore.
Outside that map, there aren’t enough forests for thermals to be a major improvement to observation.

STAB and fast tracking arent the only deciding factors in a vehicle, its pretty nimble for something of its size so can get to a vantage point quick, and if you play it wrong you will be punished. nothing in this game should be OP but play well when played well

The VIDAR has enough advantages over the other derps to go to 8.7, but no further. Stab is really important as you get higher up.

it really really isnt until 10.3.

I think I understand why we are butting heads over this, you’re an arcade player whereas I’m a realistic player, you get ranges given automatically so its advantages are diminished. this is why arcade and realistic have differing BRs, plus I understand not wanting your main nation being nerfed.

The other derps are 6.3 - 7.3.
With as-fast reload, some being as-fast in mobility, with similar round velocities.
The only real difference is lack of thermals and no laser range finder.

If only there were two tanks exactly like this situation: AMX-30 and AMX-30B2. 0.7 apart. [with a better round too]

STB-2 and Type 74G, both get laser range finders.

I mean I am also just comparing it to other SPGs…?

Its already the highest derp gun beyond maybe the object if you count that.

Eh, still think it would be fine at 8.7 due to 3rd gen thermals.

My bad, the Type 99 reloads faster than the VIDAR entirely. 30 round autoloader 7.5 seconds per shot.

The thermals and LRF are what make the VIDAR 8.0 instead of 7.0 - 7.3.


Still think it should go to 8.7, if it performs badly it can be moved down.

Anyways when are we getting Bkan with 16x scope, thermals, and LRF.

once again this seems like an arcade to realistic divide in how vehicles interact and average player playstyles in the gamemodes, realistic rewards more stealthy tactics compared to the faster brawls of arcade because a player name doesn’t pop up above the enemy in realistic ruining the tactic. being the highest ranked of something doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be higher

Its already a solid .7 above it, and I want it bumped to 1.4 br’s above. Thats certainly enough imo. If it still performs stupidly it can go up, as long as they dont do a wr or overall K/d lol

i can certainly see it performing well at higher BRs especially with the increase in lightly armoured stuff

To be fair-

Derp gun syndrome.

Steal my kills, mess up my shot by pushing me, TK me, or any other Tom-fuckery, and I am going to say something, not because I’m toxic, but because they act like they were born yesterday.

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I got squashed between two Maus’s in a Strv 103 once lol
For some reason people tend to do it a lot to 103s

I’ve had questionable things done to me…

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I think it needs to be pointed out that those two advantages are far more than they might seem, because they more or less completely negate the strongest disadvantages the standard artillery pieces have, their hard to aim guns.

HE shells require quite careful aim to consistently oneshot armored tanks. This, combined with their lower than standard muzzle velocities and large sillohettes often forces them into closer ranges.

The LRF completely negates this. Now you can quickly and easily line up shots on weakpoints from whatever range you want. This is especially notable on the VIDAR due to it’s stronger than average HE shell, meaning it’s not even that difficult to find a spot where you’ll kill whatever you’re facing.

And in high quality thermals, and the VIDAR is an exceptional sniper, even if you put it at 8.7. Sure, they often have LRF themselves, but those high quality thermals means that the VIDAR usually finds it’s target faster, and it’s not something most players have to worry about hiding from at the tier.

If we compare it to the AMX-30 B2 at 8.7, it’s similarly unstabilized, similar firepower capabilities, effectively comparable armor (Anything that’ll kill a VIDAR can also kill the AMX), even comparable mobility (18.4 hp/t for each).

The only real differences are the better gun handling and depression angles on the AMX, making it more flexible, and the high quality thermals on the VIDAR, making it better for long range target identification.

Honestly, if we’re strictly looking at maps where sniping is a viable option (AKA the maps you’d spawn a VIDAR in the first place), I’d take the VIDAR over the AMX any day.

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LRF is a nice to have on rounds going 940 meters per second [Type 99’s round. It’s not as major of an advantage as you think.
According to your statement on VIDAR, AMX-30B2 needs to be moved up as well due to its LRF and thermals.

VIDAR is inferior to all 8.3 and 8.7 MBTs, that won’t change no matter the conjecture posted.

Eh, vidar could go to 8.7 and i think it would be fine, i wont stop using it even if it went to 11.7 because it just a relaxation vehicle for me but i dont think 8.0 is where it should be, maybe its cause i do really good but i think 8.7 wouldnt really change it imo but thats me.

It makes a pretty massive difference at the ranges a VIDAR would be engaging at. Play one of the 8.7s that don’t get a LRF (T-62, Chieftains, etc) on something like Sands of Sinai and get back to me on how minor an advantage it is to be able to alway hit small, hulldown targets on your first shot.

How did “Tank X is comparable to Tank Y therefore they should be at the same/similar BR” get transformed into “Tank X is comparable to Tank Y therefore Tank X should stay where it is and Tank Y needs to get moved up even higher”.

Also, the difference between gen 1 thermals and gen 2/3 is night/day. Gen 1s can be nice, and sometimes help spot vehicles, but it’s somewhat marginal. Gen 2/3s let you spot things much more consistently, and even type what you see as well.

You wouldn’t take it over a T95E1? An Oliphant Mk 1? An M60A2 Starship? There are a lot of 8.3 MBTs I would easily drop in favor of the VIDAR if I had the choice, and as I already stated above I think there are situations where I’d take it over the AMX 30 B2.

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