War Thunder "Hornet's Sting" - Changelog

Having played a couple of coastal matches, including one in a frigate. I don’t mind this new system for bigger ships, however for MTBs/PTs/S-boats the system completely removes the ability to fight back against larger gunboats, as previously one could launch torpedos and use ones speed at range to dodge the counterfire, however now it becomes even more of a slugfest of who has the most crew, making such ships as USS Candid, MPK-163 (which was already a plague on low tier coastal), and other ~75mm armed gunboats practically unkillable without the loss of ones own ship, or without swarming with teamates.

Also I am a bit salty about being able to be accurately shot at behind concealement or cover that didn’t protect from ballistic arcs of fire, as shooting accurately into an enemy’s spawn shouldn’t be doable in coastal.


These baskets make me hate playing top tier. The turret drive should be actually damaged when you hit the turret drive and not this huge basket structure. Its borderline unplayable.

Is there any chance of a rollback?


I still cannot access FIROS test drive ???

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Does the whatever issue going on with Naval now, affect only AB or RB too?

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Another issue with the changes to Naval AB aiming:
Elevation no longer automatically adjusts for targeting.


login and press “show in game”

then you can test drive it


Is it just me or does Tortoise turn way better now? I was looking forward to better zoom and ended up successfully brawling with it today instead.

AB only

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I was today years old when I found out that the Rapier missile had a proxy fuze with four times the trigger radius of a Stingers proxy fuze while having only 50g more explosive filler

After today’s patch, while spectating squad mates after one of us dies, my friend and I no longer see any brackets / identifiers / chevrons for planes, missiles, ground targets, or bases.

I tried looking through the changelog, bug reporting, and forums, and not found any obvious mentions of this being intentional or others noticing this breaking. Does this sound familiar to anyone else, is this intentional or just a setting in my client that has gone wrong during one of the patches today?

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Hey man, the Su-27 is all janky too. It’s worse than the Typhoon again.

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they removed its bullshit high speed G pull, limited to 12G

and something something reworked high AoA behaviour

It will still rinse anything in a dogfight apart from maybe a rafale,


I don’t think the ammunition intercept thing is working properly

Of all the thing i have intercepted today, only a random Paveway was correctly displayed, and i’m not even sure i got a reward for it, as it wasn’t displayed clearly, it only appeared in the killfeed.

Rest of the ammunitions (mavericks, KH38s and others) seems to be ignored

Am I the only one with bomb load transparency issues in hangar?

That’s not new, was also available last update, to see the bombs inside which one you choose

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Well this was disappointing. Really wish we’d get more world war two aircraft


Image showing that no symbols or brackets appear. This remains constant regarrdless of distance.

I dont see any Russian nerfs in here…weird


Naval AA AI controlled against PT boats and other stuff is now OP, instead of just annoyingly good. 1 twin 37mm V-11 should not shred 2-3 coastal machines without me doing anything with it.
It’s also much more potent against air targets, but that’s not too much of an issue.


I’m shocked, they will probably make it have less amraams to make sure it’s “unique”.