i also saw this flag today Qing Dynasty flag decal
Awesome! Do you have the names of these decals? I’m not sure about some of them.
I wish the International side of things got more collabs, especially with more animes.
lol you could’ve guessed
5 years of War Thunder, do you get the decoration for playing 5 years (not continues logging in) or was it on a specific day in 2017?
It was an event for 5th anniversary, Win 3 battles or somethinf like that.
Thanks a lot for the response, just want to ask - was it during 2017 or 2019 and how long did the event last for?
It’s a patchwork of different decals, not a single one.
interesting because I was just about to say, i saw it again today. And now you pointing it out, i see it.
What are these first 2 decals? The dragon was in event with Object 292. I can’t find any info.
All of them are in the catalog then.
I added english translations. Yes, I know, finally.
If you see any mistake, let me know.
I created Unreleased/Unknown section in the files that contains (hopefully) all decals I can’t find any info about. Please check it and let me know in this thread if You know anything about those decals.
Since you asked i checked the Unknown section and i do own some of them.

The two above already say how to unlock them.

This one is given to you for owning the T-34 1941 (1st Gv.T.Br.).

This one is given to you for owning the PT-811.

This one was given to you for buying the PG-02 premium boat.
I have some of the other ones aswell but i do not remember how i got them, maybe i will look it up at a later date.
Yes! Moved them to proper sections.
Any info is valuable, please share :).
anyone have info about the israeli company and tank symbols? when they were added? if they ever gonna come out?
I beg gaijin to at least add the letters
They showed up in 2022 in the files but never were released as far as I know.
Got it today by checking an old promo link: War Thunder — Registration
Now it is in snail decal section along with my other snails.