War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog

well placed hits with the hstv-l can one shot

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Does this apply to the m1128 wolfpack as well? or is this referring to the mesh around the tank? @Stona_WT


Is that a joke?


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It just doesnt make sense to me. If they are both 1000 lbs bombs they should have the same reward multiplier. Is the multiplier based on the number of munitions or the munitions itself?

I’m using WTRTI and it shows the speed for flaps, combat, take-off, landing. Event if I fly below restricted speed I can’t open flaps. The speed must be significantly lower.

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I would say the addition of HEVT is less of a justification for moving a vehicle, especially this case where you are saying up to 11.7 where it will have less viability against 11.7-12.7 vehicles, but more as a reason why it’s at 11.3 first place when it should be going down in BR.

The APSFD round it has is abysmal. Realistically it should drop down to 10.3. That, or again, the 2S38 should go up.


“The Secondary weapons menu has been changed: The window with a list of weaponry presets has been made smaller and moved to the lower part of the screen.”

Please allow an option to fullscreen the loadout menu, any plane with more than about 11 loadouts (i.e. basically all CAS-capable jets, and many naval planes/bombers) now has to scroll to see them all, even with the loadout menu extended (which already blocks the view of most under-wing ordinance anyway). I don’t need to see the plane loadout change in realtime, but I do need to see all the loadouts.

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you guys shoot go for DLSS 3.0 now , 2.0 is straight up trash

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Anything whether this is a bug or changed to be more realistic or something

If it’s a feature ok 👍 at least we know it’s not a bug. Appreciate the work you community managers and others put in

Both it seems like:

And if i bring the same amount and type of bombs (within the same nation) but different Ranks:

But same amount and type of bombs at different BR but same rank doesn't seem to change anything:

I’m guessing it has to do with the RP/SL multiplier that changes with rank.

I didn’t say it was, i said any resulting change in performance would. That is after all what Gaijin base their BR placement on.

But you are correct, an increase to 11.7 would result in it facing 13.7 jets and that might make to big of an impact on its performance for it to be viable, but again, we’ll see.

I’m not gonna discuss any hypothetical current BR placement and only the change in BR as a result of performance change from the addition of HEVT and Thermal Tracker.

I’ll not report the thing, because it will be useless, but did you know by touching the controls again you screwed people’s mapping?

Now, when I try to reset the view in Air (custom controls*) It doesn’t work until I release “enable axe” touch.

To fix it, I changed the “reset axe value” with the same touch than before without the touch to “enable axe”

It work, but bombs are dropped too, what a nice controls interaction 😥

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IF fiat 6614 elevation is 17/65 then R3 T106 probably has that much too


Reporting an issue is not useless. Sadly we need a report for issues to properly be forwarded, tracked and logged.

Please use the bug report site to report issues. If you don’t want to report it that’s your personal choice to not do so, but reports are needed to see an issue resolved properly.


well the tornodo premium and the av8b premium are the same br, same 1000lb bombs but the tornado gets a better multiplier. Its just not uniform between nations, or not fully explained correctly on how they are coming up with the base multiplier


I kindly ask you to provide the devs with the following feedback:

  • It is extremely annoying that gaijin feels the need to overwrite customized button and key assignments in every 2nd update.
  • Even if you have saved your settings and reload them after an update it doesn’t help as the “saved” setting are changed too.
  • It takes depending on the complexity of your settings ages to restore the previous settings.
  • If you have played roughly 20k battles with the same settings you might agree that most of your actions (based on your settings) are based on automated actions which makes it even harder to reproduce them outside live matches.
  • Based on the already provided feedback in this thread almost nobody feels affected - the only logical conclusion is that this might be limited to console players without MnK usage.
  • If you use a Joystick and a controller (mouse just for looking around and manual gunners) exclusively in Air RB you might understand the trouble such unwanted changes produce on my end.

Thx upfront for forwarding my feedback!


by the way,the gbu31 38 cant be use on the france f16a, Because lack of something.

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Why not on the ROCAF one too?

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Yes, but different ranks, the Tornado is rank 8 and the AV-8B is rank 7.
Their RP/SL modifiers are also different due to the tornado being an event vehicle and not a premium whilst the AV-8B is a premium vehicle.

I don’t think nation matters, i think it has to do with the rank and RP/SL multipliers of the vehicle.

compare the different Tornados in Germanys tree, you have two at 11.3 but one is rank 8 and not premium and one is rank 7 and premium. Then you have a tech tree 11.7 at rank 8 as well.