War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog

I actually didn’t think about that, good point. But then again, how often do you manage to empty out its entire ammo stock? x)
But i also feel like the addition of HEVT to any light tank are going to make them survive heli attack way more often as well as shoot down helis way more often.

It is inevitably going to result in an increase in effectiveness and since its already in 11.3 and are probably facing 11.7 MBT’s more often than not i don’t see an increase to 11.7 making that big of an impact on its performance. The biggest negative would be the inability to bring it with the 11.3 lineup in that case.

But as mentioned; We’ll see how it performs :)

Sorry I should have clarified separate to that issue, it’s much less manoeuvrable and has more of a delay than it used to be and the radar has a weird offset angle sometimes.
This guy made a really good thread on it

Appreciate the response though, thanks in advance :)

weren’t there supposed to be DLAA and raytracing coming in this patch? has that been delayed?

I don’t think i’ve seen any info on anything like that. where did you see info about it being added?


We don’t have an update right now unfortunately. As you can imagine, the Devs are currently focused on the current major update and feedback / issues relevant to that. Sadly we can’t provide timeframes for historical reports. Any status updates would be directly updated into the report.


datamine posts mainly (I guess not all of the information means EXACTLY this update and new code gets added for various things). There was something about FSR too?

Why is the reward for base multiplier different for the same bombs/rockets across different nations?


-HMS work perfectly fine with Mirage 2000-5F

-HMD work only woth IR seeker ON with F-16AM (intended?)

-Bretagne’ aim off is fixed (why didn’t say it in patch note???)

Yeah F-16AM’s HMD is IRAAMs only.

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hey @Stona_WT . I’ve noticed that some modern vehicles (Leclerc, Vextra, CV90105) hava improvement to their automatic rangefinder, since now the gun snaps instantly into position. This is not the case for most vehicles using automatic rangefinder. I guess this has something to do with modern FCS systems. However, there is no mention of that in the changelog as far as I see. Do you have a list of vehicles affected with this buff ? What are the conditions for a vehicle to receive such a RCS upgrade ?

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DLAA was on the devserver, and will probably stay there for a while for testing, regarding Ray Tracing, there was nothing indicating that it would be implemented.

ah I see. I’ll just be happy with DLAA soon haha

with how DSR doesn’t work properly in WT, 4xssaa rendered at half temporal resolution is how i can currently make the game good looking and DLAA would be a massive help instead of jumping through all these hoops.

6 bombs vs 4 bombs?
(i have no clue, i’m just guessing)

I checked in game, seems to be a combination of amount of bombs carried and the rank of the plane.

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The J-10a seems to not have missile datalink for PL-12 missiles. Could we see a fix to this soon?

Why would it need to go up and not down to 10.0 like the 2S38?


No, it’s too powerful. Want to play like weak pantsir or kill tanks like weak gepard? No way! Here is your 200 bullets, it’s enough for 15 seconds, you won’t live longer.

The 2S38 is a separate discussion entirely and one that i have had many opinions on in that thread.

for any standalone light vehicle; adding or removing HEVT would most likely result in enough change in performance to warrant a BR change in respective direction.

comparing vehicle to vehicle doesn’t really help in this specific case.

why doas the f111f only have 4 hardpoints? or 7 if counting missile rails and gun pod?

Yay, cold war buff for the USA! (in regards to speeds and stuff)

Checking what secondary ladout the plane has now, it is more time consuming that before, its great but it should be optional in my opinion :D

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