War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog

I dont see the fixes for the Sholef V1… you know, the big old report list that had been made about it…

So the ADATS gets screwed over. Again. With zero recompense. Again.

Rest of the update doesn’t impress me, especially not the continued butchery of maps.


Yeah I don’t get the nerfing of the ADATS.


Why does the US get three new aircraft when Japan and Sweden get none? What is this nonsense?

Would imagine having a defense budget bigger than both of their’s and the next eight or so countries combined plays a major reason why the US has more of X, Y, and Z. Not saying it’s right or wrong, just that it’s a fact.


The new secondary Armaments screen is nice, BUT the button to close it is on the bottom left of the window, labelled “Back”. Almost every other window (e.g. research tree, modifications screen) has the decades-long windows standard of an ‘X’ at the top-right of the window. It is muscle-memory to go to the same place to close a window.

Inconsistency of the location of standard button functions is confusing.

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Not fixed - sux

VR Tank Aiming is Broken // Gaijin.net // Issues

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Would you imagine a game fairly dividing who gets new toys so some people aren’t just screwed while certain others get obviously favoured? It’s not just about the US getting 2-3 planes each update, it’s about them getting that many while others get none.

If this happened to Russia the forum would be flooded with “russian bias” posts, but when it’s US bias somehow people dont say anything

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Crew voice echoes.

The last update introduced a strong crew voice echo, which was rolled back due to being unpopular. This update has re-introduced an echo, albeit less than before. Can the echo at least be made an option to turn off??

It’s in no way realistic. Yes, a museum tank with most of the interior stripped might echo, but real tanks are packed with equipment, ammo and people. The echo is not realistic, it’s unpleasant, distracting and makes the voices harder to understand.


Any chance we can get some dev insight as to why the only two “heavy” tanks in the Swedish ground tree, that being the new KV-1A and the Tiger II, are locked behind paywalls and not part of the main tech tree?

Hopefully it’s not a “don’t worry, we plan to add more later”. We know that. Seems like a fairly scummy move to put them both behind a paywall.

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Again, I’m not saying it’s right or that I agree with it. It’s been pointed out that the big three just happen to have more to give than other nations factually speaking. For example, look how many variants of the F-16 there are and then remember that is one plane inside the entire US’s air arsenal and some countries just have the Typhoon/Eurofighter left without digging into subtrees that seem to piss people off.

I want to report issues, but many of my previous reports remain unanswered. This has been an ongoing concern for me.

It seems there might be a discrepancy in how reports are handled. Perhaps it’s due to my non-native English or the fact that I’m using a console. However, if you compare my reports with those of another user who requested a nerf for SAMP in the patch notes, you’ll notice that his reports have all been addressed, while mine have not.

Here are the links for comparison:

Do you notice any differences?

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It’s a shame Gaijin added the sea harriers went “eh… Close enough” and then just forgot about them.

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There are still things that can be added to other nations because its not just about toptier planes all the time. If there aren’t any gen 4 fighters or whatever for them then give them props or early jets, like they did with France this update.

Skipping out on those but focusing so hard on a tree that’s already almost as thick as 5 other nations combined is just ludicrous and there is no good argument for it. It’s simple US bias bc it’s probably the most investing part of the player base.

I don’t like how much of a common practice that is within the game. Like, there are so many vehicles still missing spall liners.

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Yeah, plenty of examples of them doing that

Nerf for cas (or bug maybe?)

Now the fire and smoke on the dead vehicles can be consistently seen only from 2km or so. It is visible for a short time after death and quickly disappears.

Now - big distance

Now - close distance

Before - big distance


I don’t disagree with you. Unfortunately the marketing of the game right now is mostly top tier. Frankly I’m surprised that partnered creators aren’t required to state that new player experience will be nothing like what they see useless they fork over $75 in a F2P marketed game.

And as I’ve pointed out, the US just has more to add (and gimp half the time unfortunately). But yes, the US is probably the most engaging audience base. It’s my main country as someone who lives there.

One can dream that 2025 will be less about new vehicles and more about finishing things half-started and abandoned. Genuinely think they have enough just with bombers to take up half a year’s worth of major patches.


Yep, and what frustrates me the most is that a “bad” aircraft properly modeled can actually be good. Look at the Tornados. They are doing great now. Imagine if we had that 2 years ago. What could 2023 have been like instead.

It makes me fear for future additions like the Typhoon, that they are going to be crippled due to missing features or game limiations or just “nah we dont want to add this” for years

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