War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog

It also said in the Changelod that all AH-64 got new modules, but only AH-64A got them. So it on Snail for their, usual, blunder

That’s pretty unjustified.


Is the M1128 actually supposed to have ajustable hydropneumatic in-game or is it a bug ?
It wasn’t pentionned in the patchnotes and the Wolfpack M1128 doesn’t have said ajustable suspension

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👀 LOL it even has front/back tilt right now 😂


But yeah, not muh Wolfpack 😭
EDIT: Looks like it might be IRL! :

EDIT #2: Also looks like they are supposed to have a spall liner 😮 But, I checked both and not modeled in game yet. Here’s hoping!

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How are console players an inconvenience?

Groan. Can anyone tell us what this ‘update’ is supposed to improve? Once B is taken, we no longer have a flanking path to challenge control of the map. Must we turn every map into a tiny, brute-force, punching match?


You have the whole other side of the map to use and flank with. Plus, no one really used that part at lower BRs.

Oh! Well, fwiw, the CTWV RCV does have IRST, so you are least able to lock onto to air targets in gunner view. (And has laser warning system, which really helps to know when helis are focusing you.) Tested it a little and it seems to be quite accurate with its lead indicator. Yeah, not proximity, BUT better than nothing. And if its like the other bushmaster’s, you should be able to take something like 2x Darts, 1x APDS, and 1x HEI-T belts. For one allows belts for MBTs/Lights-SPAAs/Air targets respectively, AND allows you to change to another belt rapidly rather than waiting for the main/darts to reload slowly. (If you have not tried the APDS rounds for the bushmasters against lights/SPAAs, you HAVE to try them. They have much more mass and create WAY more spalling, acting almost like HE rounds against lights/SPAAs.)

FINALLY, the CTWV RCV has a spall liner 😀 ! I have the CV 9035DK, and the other Swede lights with liners, and while it doesn’t make you invincible, it can really help keep you alive a little bit longer.

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Patch is here… Amagi still has the wrong turrets (armor has been corrected but don’t hold your breath that the turret shape will be lol), incredibly a-historical catapult and seaplane, wrong funnels, and incorrectly shielded AA guns. Plus the tech tree placement of Amagi and Mutsu still looks like it was decided by a blind and deaf child.

Mogador is pretty cool, Tennesse too, unfortunately I’m way too far away in the tree. However no top tier BB for France after SIX patches since the tree released but Russia and Germany both get a new battlecruiser… requires words that aren’t allowed on here.

Some people really don’t like it, but I do enjoy the new loadout menu.

Plus the cool new feature where the game freezes a bunch in battle is super cool!

sidenote: has anyone else submitted a bug report and it seems to have just not submitted? my report on the stupid catapult on Amagi is absent.

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Had the same issue but with Mavericks seeker, dead vehicles were shown as ‘alive’.

And then someone will tell them the F also has MAWS. and more thrust. and access to bigger dumb bombs. and can take 2 AIM-9L without sacrificing ground ordenance…


Nevermind, crews are still resetting.

I am not going to bother rearranging them again until a fix is announced at this point…

Try looking at the loadouts, sometimes they add stuff without a mod. I could be wrong though

I might agree that US is better than most, but its certainly not the best, they might get a biased treatment when it comes to ARB, but they get shit on when it comes to GRB, like Russia gets a biased treatment when it comes to GRB, but a little bit bad treatment when it comes to ARB.


Fakur90 missiles do not go into chaff reflectors???

An accurate change is good, but tge cannon did probably half of the work for me on the ADATS. Close range aircraft, light vehicles, destroying tracks and barrels, and obviously needed when im out of missiles. I would just like better ammo now, since the APDS barely cuts it for tanks. The ADATS is a multi-role machine after all. .50 cal will also be nice.

It’s not a specific map change, they made all edge of map/red zones start a countdown much faster. It’s continual, progressive deterioration of ground maps.

Interesting. The base damage information does not appear consistently. Haven’t worked it out.

Are M48s and the M103 (and I suppose others in the same category) not being able to turn in place normal?

Because the other tanks with Alison engines that have been “clarified” (like the M46 and M47) still can turn without needing to be in forward or reverse.

  • M48A1 (all variants ), M103, Magach 3 (ERA), M48A2 C, M48A2 G A2, Magach 2, Magach 3 (all variants ) — the gear ratios of the Allison CD 850-4B and CD 850-5 transmissions have been clarified. Sources: N-8832.1-B - Standard Military Vehicle Characteristic Data Sheets; Patton A History of The American Main Battle Tank, Vol. 1 by R. P. Hunnicutt; R.P. Hunnicutt Firepower. A history of american heavy tank; Der Kampfpanzer M48 in der Bundeswehr The M48 Main Battle Tank in German Army Service (Stefan Marx).
  • M46, M46 “Tiger”, M47 (all variants ) , T54E1, T54E2, mKPz M47 G — the gear ratio values ​​of the Allison CD 850-4(-4A) transmission have been clarified. Sources: N-8832.1-B - Standard Military Vehicle Characteristic Data Sheets; Patton A History of The American Main Battle Tank, Vol. 1 by R. P. Hunnicutt

So my M48A1 and M103 will not turn in place.

But my M46 and M47 will, despite the above…?

Look I didn’t read the documentation cited but… this can’t be right.


It seems that unintended side effect (BUG) of removing gun CCIP is that we also lost ability to select bombsight by changing sight modes with message “No ballistic computer”!
This means that while technically still having CCRP, it cannot be effectively used in practice in SB as without the sight you cannot confirm which target is selected and where to exactly aim making F-84F just another “dumb” bomber.
I hope this gets fixed as this was rather unique ability in this tier/era.