War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog

maybe it’s due to the launch angles ? Have you tried at longer distances ?

Have you played ARB?

Come on dude.


Not a big fan of ARB, but everything you see there is modelled correctly, if a nation perform better than other it means that they’re better than most in capabilities + US is known to be better than other nations when it comes to aircrafts.

Why are the new damage models only applied to the ah64a and not on the other variants? Same with the ka50, which is more likely to rush and sponge damage

god i love when the nation i main gets a singular premium tank for 2 out of 3 major updates this year.

So the premium Ka-50 didn’t get the new models at all.

But the premium AH-64A did get the new damage models?


Nevermind: Spikes are useless again. I guess I was just lucky before, or they “fixed” their fixing in one of the quick hotfixes there’s been since this morning.

I knew I was being too optimistic…




That was to be expected lmao

Maybe everything for the US.

MICAs, R77s, Derby, none of them are modeled correctly.

Su27S/SM, J11/J11A and all MIG 29 FMs not modeled correctly. Radars not modeled correctly. JA37D gets no AMRAAMs. JA39C lacking numerous NATO ordinances it was designed to carry. Germany has an F4 as it’s top fighter.

Numerous additions for nations ignored - no sat bombs for multiple nations that used them, no FLIR pods on any of the USSR planes that can use them, French missing the F2 APFSDS, one can go on.

US by far has the most robust and, in some cases, overperforming air tree relative to other TT nations. Hell, they now have a plane that can sling 9Ms at F105s.


So now Ka50s can still push through your spawn and criple and kill most of your team before even the fight started.

Just did a test again with the Vilkas, all 4 were insta kills, even THROUGH the barrel of the T-90 🤷‍♂️
EDIT: Tried the Vilkas in a real match, first spike was an instant kill on an MBT, 2nd try did major damage. Effectiveness was ~50%.
EDIT 2: Got a shot through a Strv 121’s barrel, crit barrel and breech, but not a kill.
SOOOO still seems a bit hit or miss, but not as “completely” useless 😂
EDIT 3: Going to test the Freccia now too.

That’s so strange o.O

Half my launches don’t even hit the tanks, but glance their tracks/commander cupolas instead lmao.

And, as you may see in one of my videos, one of the Spikes bounced off a barrel XD

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They can’t. Helicopter withput modules get this:

    • A129 (ATP), ABH Demonstrator (“AH-60”), AH-1E, AH-1F, AH-1F Tzefa, AH-1G, AH-1G Tzefa, AH-1Q Tzefa, AH-1S, AH-1S (4th ATHU) “Kisarazu”, AH-1W, AH-1W [CHN], AH-1Z, AH-6M, AH-64D [JPN], AH-64A [SWE], AH-129C, AH-129D, Apache A.H. Mk. 1, BO 105 CB-2 (HeliTOW), BO 105 PAH 1, BO 105 PAH 1 A1, CH-34A, G-LYNX, H-34A [FRA], hkp 2, hkp 3C, hkp 9A, hkp 9A (FC), I.A.R.316 B, Ka-29, Ka-50, Lynx A.H. Mk. 1, MD 500/Orev “Lahatut”, MH-60L DAP, Mi-4AV, Mi-8AMTSh, Mi-8TB (“Mi-8TV”), Mi-8TBK [DEU] (“Mi-8TB”), Mi-24A, Mi-24D, Mi-24D [ITA], Mi-24P, Mi-24P [DEU], Mi-24P [ITA], Mi-24P (HFS-80), Mi-24V, Mi-24V [ITA], Mi-28A, Mi-28N, Mi-28NM, Mi-35M, MRH-109A (“A109 EOA-2”), OH-58D, OH-58D [CHN], Rooivalk Mk. 1, SA 316 B, SA 341 F, SA 342 L, SA 342 M, Saraph, Scout A.H. Mk. 1, SE 313 B, SE 313 B [DEU], T129, Tigre HAD/F B1, Tigre HAD/F B2, Tigre HAP/F, UH-1B, UH-1B [JPN], UH-1C, UH-1C (XM30), UH-1D, UH-205A (“AB205A”), UH Tiger, Wasp H.A.S. Mk. 1, Wessex H.U. Mk. 5, YAH-64A, Z-9W, Z-9WA, Z-10, Z-11WA, Z-19, Z-19E: (also the AH-64D and the Peten in, I just missed them then)
    • Indicators:
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 damage, there’s a 20% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 35 damage, there’s a 30% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 damage, there’s a 50% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage HP drops to or below 9% it’s 100% disabled
    • Weapon controls:
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 KE damage, there’s a 5% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 35 KE damage, there’s a 20% chance of it being disabled
  1. [14:40]

      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 KE damage, there’s a 40% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 explosion damage, there’s a 10% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 35 explosion damage, there’s a 20% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 explosion damage, there’s a 40% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage HP drops to or below 50% it’s 100% disabled
    • Sight:
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 12 KE damage, there’s a 1% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 KE damage, there’s a 10% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 40 KE damage, there’s a 30% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 KE damage, there’s a 50% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 12 explosion damage, there’s a 1% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 explosion damage, there’s a 20% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 40 explosion damage, there’s a 30% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 explosion damage, there’s a 50% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage HP drops to or below 50% it’s 100% disabled
    • Guidance controls:
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 12 KE damage, there’s a 5% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 KE damage, there’s a 20% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 40 KE damage, there’s a 30% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 KE damage, there’s a 50% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 12 explosion damage, there’s a 10% chance of it being disabled
  1. [14:41]
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 explosion damage, there’s a 30% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 40 explosion damage, there’s a 50% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 explosion damage, there’s a 70% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage HP drops to or below 50% it’s 100% disabled
    • Radar:
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 12 damage, there’s a 10% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 damage, there’s a 30% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 40 damage, there’s a 50% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 damage, there’s a 70% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage HP drops to or below 25% it’s 100% disabled
    • Countermeasures:
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 12 damage, there’s a 10% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 damage, there’s a 30% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 40 damage, there’s a 50% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 damage, there’s a 70% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage HP drops to or below 0.1% it’s 100% disabled
    • RWR:
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 KE damage, there’s a 20% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 35 KE damage, there’s a 30% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 KE damage, there’s a 70% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 explosion damage, there’s a 30% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 35 explosion damage, there’s a 50% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 explosion damage, there’s a 70% chance of it being disabled
  1. [14:41]
      • When the fuselage HP drops to or below 0.1% it’s 100% disabled
    • NVD:
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 20 damage, there’s a 20% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 35 damage, there’s a 30% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage is hit with at least 100 damage, there’s a 50% chance of it being disabled
      • When the fuselage HP drops to or below 40% it’s 100% disabled

Why does Sun City now on the side with desert counts down the entire way and not just at edges? Made another flanking route unusable, thanks.


IJN Amagi… Well, on the one hand, as a Japan Naval main, I appreciate any gifts The Snail may give us. But as someone who is also concerned about the state of the game, not only do Japan not need another BR 7.0 ship, why is it one that never got completed as opposed to the plethora of actually-complete ships that the IJN actually built that qualfiies for its BR range? (Takao-class, for an example) This option would only grow even bigger if we were allowed to decompress from the 7.0 hellscape. Gaijin, pls.

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yeah gaijin did not cooked this update, added cas plane in the two nation that needed it the less, and apart that they added french coastal that is just bad overall. Than the F16C in the israely tech tree oh boy… one of the only reason you’ll play F16C is for the AGM65 but guess what the isrealy don’t have AGM65 so you are just a F16C with less missile than the F15 with no option for cas bcs no laser guided gbu are nowhere as good as AGM65. instead of adding TWS on the baz meshupar they just added a new copy and paste aircraft that no one asked for just to add amraam with a tws. what a gaijin move! and btw why isn’t both barrak II in a folder since they are almost the same aircraft with almost the same loadout ? why would you need to research 410k rp for the exacte same aircraft with amraam ???


@Stona_WT are the Devs ware that the protection analyse broke with the update?

I wonder what source states the AN/APQ-159 radar as being used in the F-111 C/F? All I’ve found about the APQ-159 radar is that it’s a modification of the APQ-153 radar and was intended for the F-5 E/F. As for the F-111C/F, depending on the modification, there were AN/APQ-113, APQ-144, APQ-165, APQ-169, APQ-169/171 radars.
Here is a list of “few” radars: AN/APQ - Equipment Listing

The APQ-159 itself is also I/ J band radar. Not I band only.

They can’t make the world best protected tank for it’s crew more “realistic” for this game.

For God’s sake, my crews now swap around even within the same game session…