War Thunder Battle Rating bug

Hello. I want to report a bug in War Thunder Battle Rating.

My tank is Rank 1 with Battle Ratings BR 1.0
But there is a bug in Battle Ratings, so for tanks with Rank 1 with BR 1.0, Battle Ratings BR 10.0 are shown. Normally for tanks with Battle Ratings BR 1.0, Battle Ratings BR 1.0 should be shown

How to fix.

First, select your tank with Rank 1 with Battle Ratings BR 1.0. And press “To Battle”. When the large map screen appears, press ESC on the keyboard and click “Back to Hangar”. And click “To Hangar”. Select your tank again with Rank 1 with Battle Ratings BR 1.0 and click “To Battle”

Please report bug to Gaijin

Please watch this video


You have 10.0 BMP-2M in lineup you muppet, its not bug, you are blind.

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You are blind you muppet, I use the 1.0 BT-5 rank 1 tank. And the War Thunder Battle Rating has a bug

What are you on about.
BMP-2M so your lineup will be 10.0 in GRB


Your br is based on the highest br vehicle in your lineup.


Arcade uses your whole lineup, Realistic Battles uses the vehicle you select.

The lineup BR is the BR of your highest vehicle.

That is not true. GRB uses entire lineup aswell, only ARB uses the vehicle you selected.


OK you got me… I have exactly 14 minutes in tanks over 11 years of game play.

Bro came directly from WoT


You are going into a battle with every tank in your lineup. So it takes the highest br and that is what you play at.

If you don’t believe us then how about you take the bmp out of your lineup and see how it changes


For ground battles you do not select a tank. You select a lineup.

Thats how it works for Arcade and Realistic ground battles, aswell as air arcade battles.

For Air Realistic battles you select a single plane to go to battle with.

If you notice as you enter the battle, the BMP-2M came with you into the match and given its BR, the matchmaker BR will be 10.0

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I play with the BT-5 rank 1 BR 1.0 tank. Not with the BMP-2M. And it shows Battle rating 10.0, which is not correct for BR 1.0 tank

This is clearly rage bait at this point. Or he is 5 and can not comprehend what is being said


You can not not understand what is being said


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You cannot understand what we are saying. You do not play with tanks, but with lineups in WT. You should have also know that by now with how much you played last week.


You don’t understand