Battle eye is active for me and havent noticed ANY performance difference,
same fps, no lag or whatever
Ofc my man anti cheat system is fine…hope now we all enjoy ground without these shady cheaters. Lets go Gajin
Could be my system, it’s a custom built Ilumia 16 and it has had problems in the past like the battery deciding it doesn’t exist lmao
You might not have noticed it, but since 2020, we’ve seen a rise in stupidity. I say that because people seem to be really more stupid, or maybe there are too many bots in games, but if that’s not the case, if players are smart like they play, be sure they don’t know how to cheat and only call a good player a cheater because they don’t realize they are “brain dead”.
in the case there’s a lot of bot doing nothing for a team. for that it’s realy a good thing they try to eradict that because a match with that kind of player (bot or not) is boring as hell.
Yo can we fix performance of battleye? My fps has way worse 1% lows now and I lost 30-40 average fps playing at 1440p med/high settings without ray tracing. If we look at tarkov we can see how good battleye is(nt). At least fix your shit performance before you just force this upon everyone. Thank you.
Wow bro nice to know that… thats a very useful information and explain a lot of thing(s) thank you!
Is it thoug? I would have less anger if i would just not know about it :(
PC players with a mouse, and console players and PC players with a controller should NOT be mixed together in Realistic and Simulation Battles. PERIOD! Gaijin, do your job!
Play Sim if you want to use exclusively joysticks, its why that mode exists
Why Scyobi. Fairness is not allowed anymore? Skills on skills are unfair now?
realistic and arcade allow mouse and keyboard movement while simulator does not, if you don’t want point and aim players then try sim
I can play sim with mouse and keyboard, don’t bring lies up here
It looks like you never played a sim. :lol
i thought sim was forced Full Real controls? did that change recently?
Please define “Forced Full Real Controls.”
i thought to play Simulator Air mode you needed to use either Real Controls or Full Real controls i swear the game said that when i tried to play it once.
apologies if i am misinformed
That has nothing to do with the gear you use as input, 🤦
Yeah… say you had a process, and the developer has the program create a file like “username-1328041-xyz.dll” something along those lines. It would grab that file, and since another dev made it do that, its of no fault to Battleye.
As we have discussed above, Battleye has GLOBAL bans. One very efficient way of implementing that, is through HARDWARE-ID-BANS. They will ban the serial number of the card, as it was used to cheat, and guarantees that the card cannot be used and that even if you uninstall and reinstall with a new acc, you will remain banned. (yes this has drawbacks, I am aware, but idgaf.)
Yeah? What is wrong about this lmfao.
in the EULA posted above, you can feel free to look at what they grab. They can’t get your email by themselves, but might be able to with Gaijin to confirm if its a cheater or not.
Please reread the entire thread to try to understand how Battleye works.
You do not have mouse aim, you have mouse joystick. That’s what FRC does. But you can use a mouse to simulate having a flight stick to allow poor eastern european village people like me with questionable desks to play sim.
Videos of me using mouse joystick - it shows on screen (not in replays alas):
The carrier one is before I figured out the rudder pedal analogue, or got comfortable trimming while landing
For rudder controls, I have Q & E set up as “Relative controls.” I press Q once, it deflects rudder by ~3% (nonlinearity makes it non-exact) and it stays that way. I press it once again and ~6%. I hold it down hard for full deflection (as demonstrated in the forward slip demonstration). Pressing 2 “Lifts the foot” from the rudder pedal to reset to 0% without “having to step on the other pedal”.
The mouse is basically an approximation of a flight stick (whose main difference is that letting go of it doesn’t make it go back to neutral, I need to press a button to represent letting go of it, and that it’s super flat and different to hold). Keyboard gives me approximation of rudder pedals (QE) and ADWS allows me to keep controlling my plane with rough inputs when holding down C to look around and track my enemies (rather than using a hat control on a flight stick or head tracking). Normally i use C by pulling stick back a little, pressing C and looking around while rolling with A/D to maneuver. It’s very janky and took me a good bit to learn and not just kill myself repeatedly doing it.
I also use the keyboard for flaps, trim and MEC. Occasionally the A/D input also comes in handy for “yanking the stick” hard when I don’t have space to move my mouse as much as it’d be needed if it were a proper stick.
Here’s my control layout:
Now, I’m pretty sure this control set up is a handicap rather than an advantage. I’d love to have real rudder pedals and a proper, stable flightstick and a desk to support it. Even with practice, the rudder controls I set up still feel clunky and imprecise/delayed compared to actual pedals. Like the forward slip landing: my F4U-4 jerked pretty badly as I released the rudder “pedal” while a real one would’ve allowed me to gently lift my foot instead and still get it neutral in a faster timeframe.
Firstly thank you your answers. It contain some information for me. If you not mind i add some note/comment to your statements.
‘Yeah… say you had a process, and the developer has the program create a file like “username-1328041-xyz.dll” something along those lines. It would grab that file, and since another dev made it do that, its of no fault to Battleye.’
If it not a fault of battle eye why need the battle eye the OS username? It’s a personall data and it doesn’t belong to anyone. Neither to the developers nor to Battle Eye. It has no effect on detecting cheats. Developers should remove this function because it acting as a spyware.
“As we have discussed above, Battleye has GLOBAL bans. One very efficient way of implementing that, is through HARDWARE-ID-BANS. They will ban the serial number of the card, as it was used to cheat, and guarantees that the card cannot be used and that even if you uninstall and reinstall with a new acc, you will remain banned. (yes this has drawbacks, I am aware, but idgaf.)”
Yeah it have a huge disadvantage and a big stupid thing … just an example:
i buy a card from 2nd hand and the seller used cheat and got banned… brilliant solution… from this, my account also possible to lost when i use 2nd hand bought card… if the MAC address change/cloning exist i imagine physicall number change also exist… if it possible this function is useless…
‘Yeah? What is wrong about this lmfao.’
In this case i intrested in what mean the ‘etc’. If based on game name and account ID not able to identify account which is the unique ID which requested? If the account ID not unique it contain more than one questionable security issue…
(If game name account ID not unique which are the unique ID? What understand behind the ‘etc’? email address password, 2 step authentication phone number or/and registration date? That is the questions.)
'in the EULA posted above, you can feel free to look at what they grab. They can’t get your email by themselves, but might be able to with Gaijin to confirm if its a cheater or not.
Please reread the entire thread to try to understand how Battleye works.’
hmm… i will check it… that sentence ‘They can’t get your email by themselves, but might be able to with Gaijin to confirm if its a cheater or not.’ able to understand as :
E-mail is not part of the unique ID and Battle Eye not collect it. (note: Somewhere need to evaluate the collected data and it happen in 3rd party or in Gaijin side.) The other question is in which side evaluate collected datas?If it in 3rd party side, it’s a data leak from Gaijin to 3rd party to confirm cheater or not…if the evaluation happend in Gaijin side it’s OK, Gaijin got datas from BE and confirm cheater or not.