War Thunder "Alpha Strike" - Changelog

I was thinking the same. I get a min% but should be like 10-15%. 30% is too high

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They use minimum fuel as a balancing metric for prop tiers.
It’s pretty dumb, because it penalises planes for having good range - they are forced to carry more fuel and weight than they need for air rb. But what else is new.

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  • Tracking radar of SPAA — multi-path effect has been disabled in Arcade and Realistic Battles.
    The received reflection of the target is shown with its own marker. The ability to lock your own missile in Realistic Battles has been disabled.
  • Now in Arcade and Realistic battles when trying to lock a target selected on a radar indicator or trying to acquire a target selected with a marker on it (MMB by default), radar performs a fine search in a true direction to a target and ignores other targets.

Can you explain the reason behind those changes?
Arent they working in direction opposite to realistic radar scan/lock for SPAAs?

Also the following:

In Ground Realistic Battles, the ability to fly a nuclear carrying aircraft without leaving the current controlled vehicle has been added. When the relatively close amount of spawn points has been accumulated, an inactive button for flying the aircraft will appear on the action panel with an indication of the current amount of spawn points. When enough spawn points have been accumulated, the button will become active. Taking off with a nuclear carrying aircraft is available when controlling both ground vehicles and aircraft. It is not possible to switch to the controlled vehicle and back, so make sure to safely position your vehicle before using the nuclear carrying aircraft.

I am strictly against this.
Nukes in Ground RB are supposed to be high risk-high reward.
Not losing your current vehicle drastically reduces the amount of risk.

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Gray area:


What the hungarian gripen not only got camos aside from the base, but it got three? Man gaijin really didnt care to add a single unique camo to either the SAAF grip or the A lmao.


they did say it would be within existing limits, though i wouldlike to see a 10 minuite fuel Mozzie or B7A2

But still, we should be able to select even a 1 minute if we wish to. Having a fighter with almost 40 minutes of fuel as minimum is unreasonable since the match maximum time is 25 minutes in RB.
I am so bummed out right now I don´t even want to play today anymore. Not to mention my first game I selected full fuel load on the Tornado and it gave me minimum instead which I only noticed 5 minutes after take off. On a EC map no less. I had to land, refuel. Then J out, fiddle with the fuel loads and then I was allowed to take off with full fuel load. Its …just … left a sour taste in my mouth after rushing home from work to get… this. I feel like a child opening a Christmass present only the gift box is empty.

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MiG-21 Drop tanks yaaaay

So military magazines are valid source now?

No surprise…
But as far as I remember there was bug report where someone brought evidence that the Begleit is build on a TAM chassis and not the Marder chassis, including engine. Base on that Gaijin back then gave it TAM engine.
It might be worth to look for that report since if I remember correctly it has solid sources.


At the bottom of the report a tech post links to documents talking about exactly what you said.

Fuel load is tied to the FM. They would have to completely rework every FM if they do that.

Anyone know the br changes for this update?

Dont believe there were any for this update

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Ok thanks

Is there a reason the historic Wessex HU.5 camo shown in the devblog hasn’t been included in the update?

I know we got the 771 NAS SAR camo has been added since, but it would have been nice to have had the camo the HU.5 saw combat with in Borneo and Aden

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  • ItO 90M (all variants) — engine HP has been increased to 2500 RPM. (Report ) Source: Sisu-Auto - Sisu XA 180 : Käyttö Ja Huolto Ohjekirja Published 1985

Shouldn’t it be “engine RPM has been increased” and not HP or was both increased and HP number is missing?

Hey, this is just an error. It will be resolved and included in.


Hey. Its just the RPM, thats correct.


Sweden only gets a premium this update. Sure they followed their “every nation gets at least 1 vehicle per update” rule, but only a Premium!? I went ahead and looked at the previous updates to see if that’s ever happened before where a nation got at least 1 vehicle but it was only a premium, and nope! I went all the way back to “Ixwa Strike” and saw that this has been the only update where a nation’s one vehicle for that update was a premium(it could’ve happened even earlier, but I can’t remember how far back they implemented the 1 vehicle ever update rule), so unless you got money no new vehicles for Sweden mains!

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OMG it keeps happening!!! Fix it! I select minimum fuel and the game spawns me with full fuel load. You can only imagine how annoying it is to maneuver a fully fueled Bf 109 when you are trying to provide CAP.



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