War Thunder "Air Superiority" - Changelog

No, we must write it as we wish
And CM, sorry, should pass the message and emotions of players to devs.

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I think this was already the case. If an enemy tank was destroyed it would flash a circle with a outline of a skull on the minimap.

well… it wasn’t right on the dev either?
otherwise there would not already be a report about it from days ago if it had been correct on dev.

not always, often if the tank was spotted the blinking outline of the tank on the map would cover upp the skull.

The CM job is to pass messages from the community to the developers and back. At the moment, I personally do not see him conveying the message that people are not happy with this update from, for example, the armor of the Leopard 2, Challenger 3, Leclerc tanks and so on.

He simply doesn’t fulfill his task, that’s why there are so many questions and hatred towards him, and at the same time he is the face of the company that is responsible for the project


In this situation the enemy has a 10 or 15 s invulnerability. And after the enemy dies the tank turns dark grey or black and in the killfeed you can see who destroyed it with what projectile. So I don’t get your point here. If people are shooting even if the tank is dead that’s probably from inexperience of knowing the game. And waiting rounds isn’t that much of a waist.

If the enemy gets killed while its behind a building or behind smoke you will know since it will be on fire and smoking. And again you have the killfeed so you could deduce if you know which tank you are facing and it gets killed and the same type of tank shows up in the killfeed you would be confident that that was the same tank.

Now I guess the main reason for this situation is that there is not enough time, and the company’s top brass is in a hurry to get the game updated before Christmas

You would need to show me proof of that. Since iirc when a spotted tank gets killed the skull replaces the spotted tank icon on the mini map. You could be thinking of if a person marks that part of the map as the tank died then that would overlap.

@Smin1080p is this the hitmaker that is referred in the changelog that is getting replaced by a skull?

Ah this is hilarious

where did the invulnerability come from?
you can’t always see the color of the tank if it is behind a bush or something.
Killfeed might not help you if you don’t know what model tank it was, not much difference between T-72A,T-72B, T-72B(89),T-80B,T-80U,T80BVM if you are a but away and they are ubscured.

The fire can be there regardless as fuel tanks, engines and ammo can burn.
and again, very often i don’t know EXACTLY what tank i’m facing.

i don’t see the problem here. its not like it got changed for something worse gameplay wise. sure one can subjectively not like the visual style of it. but it offers no hindrance, and even an improvement, in gameplay.

Why didn’t you write anywhere about the fact that the Japanese SPAA, Type 93 and Type 81 were robbed of gen 3 night vision? Moreover, hud does not work at all in these vehicles, there is no compass - other Japanese tanks have

i’ll see if i can get you a replay of when it happens.

No improved load-out for the F-15A despite multiple discussions and suggestions to make it more viable against the stacked Su-27 with six R-27ERs and stock R-73s and far more maneuverable JAS39s makes it pretty much dead on arrival. Why there is an insistence on gimping US planes on launch, I have no idea.

No new top tier aircraft for Germany despite saying there was something.

The American Abrams along with many other tanks are missing their spall liners. Abrams still missing DU armor improvements.

Backtracking on the RP bonuses for new nations after reaching top tier for others is a massive let down. And saying something like “it’s hard to tell what effects the changes to the meta will result in” when you keep adding to it each patch feels like a sizable cop out. Like you keep moving the goal post.

This update feels half-baked. And or rushed, I just can’t see what the harm was with waiting another week and getting more feedback.

They never said Germany would get a new aircraft this patch.

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They did say they had something and that they didn’t know if it would be ready or not this update. Not saying we are owed it but a similar message like the “Hey, we know you want the JAS39C for Sweden and we can tell you it’ll be here next update” isn’t a ludicrous ask/thing to do.

The Weapon test mode is incomplete. When using Simulator mode to test a weapon, it only offers virtual cockpit. 🤦‍♂️

just the quickest example i could find, admittingly not a very good one, but if you look at the map when hi kills those two its REALLY hard to tell if there are deathmarks.

i’ll keep looking if you want a better example.

Wait for the dev blog.

But why IRST locking is still possible only from sights and not 3rd person, when you can still use the lead indicator in 3rd person?

Now you have to look for a plane in 3rd person(it’s absurd how hard it is to spot planes in ground RB btw…), go to sights and find it again (which isn’t actually easy with fixed 10x zoom on the LAV-AD) just to lock it, go back to 3rd person view as shooting is much easier and then try to shoot down the plane…

Sounds really simple, right?