Wait for a full lineup, not wait for a full lineup, or skip a BR entirely?

This is partially because I’m playing Italian Ground at 9.0 currently grinding out the 9.3 lineup, and since we all know that 10.3 pulls 9.3-10.0 up to it all the time, I wanted to get some (general) advice. But since this sort of question is universal to anyone around 4.3/4.7, 9.0, and 10.3 itself, apply it to any situation you’ve had.

So put simply, is it better to wait to play a BR once you have a full lineup, not wait, or just skip certain BRs entirely?

  • Wait to play a BR until you have a full lineup
  • Play a BR even if you only have 1-2 vehicles at the BR
  • Skip certain BRs entirely
0 voters

How do people have the patience to not play a vehicle when they unlock it? Why would you spend even more time grinding a full lineup? Just bring lower BR tanks or aircraft and if you don’t have any you can always 1DL.