Vympel R-27 'ALAMO' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

I don’t even want to comment this…

Theres also no source for the EM existing on Wikipedia, so we may both be wrong about its existence

Those are 27EAs, not ERs.

The 27EA/EM were cancelled in '93? The Su-27M was used as a demonstrator for both the R-27EA and R-77 during their staging phases.

And that’s quite literally all it is… It’s an R-27EA with a slightly modified seeker, made to work in conjunction with the N001K.

If its funding and development were closed down due to its inferiority to the R-77, it can be considered a competitor. The R-77 itself was the sole reason for the R-27EA/EM not being produced.

A was cancelled in 89, M in 91, just read a book by TsNII Agat I sent here

No. R-27EA is superior to R-77 [and significantly more expensive].

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This is an important thing to note, the R-27ER has significantly better time to target for use against AMRAAM launching aircraft.

Active R-27ER would be too OP for the game.

SRAAM exists, R-27EA will come if balance will allow it

Why would you need or want it with R-77-1 in game.

The R-27EA has better performance kinematically, up to 170km range.

Why did it lose to the R-77?

The Soviet Union collapsed and cancelled most projects at the time, but the R-77 had already reached some small production batches. The R-27 was primarily produced in Ukraine. They were able to maintain the R-77 data and continue development but not with the R-27.

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R-27A was canceled before USSR colapse btw, it was canceled due to funding cuts

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Ahhh, this stems from the loft and battery life correct?

R-27A lose R-77. R-27EA 2x heavier what R-77.I think that R-27EA development have stopped due to funding cuts.

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Of course, Ukraine was not the main producer.,especially since the missile and all types of homing heads are designed and manufactured in Russia…
Production until 2014 was carried out in close cooperation with Russian manufacturers…
Since 2014, Ukraine has in fact been producing unlicensed
a copy of the missiles…In the future, with new types of homing heads of our own production…

Yes, loft primarily. Unlikely battery life was increased over the SARH head but certainly additional thermal batteries are provided to cooperate with the additional processing power.


Your source states that the R-27 was cancelled in lieu of the R-77, and your seemingly nameless book (that was horribly shown) says nothing but information on seeker development.

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Seeker is the main part of air-air missiles, without seeker missile can’t exist


Sticking an engine in a metal tube with wings is probably the easier part