Vympel R-27 'ALAMO' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

This just begs the question of how Speed gates are even modeled in game if the parameter supposedly don’t exist? Its obvious that whatever is going on doesn’t align with the provided documentation.

Let alone the fact that it was denied, seemingly out of hand.

Can we potentially get some clarification? @Smin1080p

If that parameter doesn’t exist then what is


Its only present on doppler SARH seekers and ARH seekers, and the ARH ones are up to 300m/s while the SARH ones don’t seem to go above 150m/s.

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Why does everyone think Russia uses same specs/components for export?

This is beyond illogical. This is absurd.

Making export equipment exactly same as your domestic equipment is the easiest way to get your military secrets exposed, allowing any potential enemy to easily learn everything about your equipment.

Especially since it is a known fact, that ever since Soviet Union, there is a standard practice of export equipment being different, and this continues in Russia.

1.People should PROVE that export equipment is the same.

  1. It shouldn’t have to be proven that export equipment is different.

  2. The burden of proof should be on people who say that export equipment is copy paste in real life.