The ER has had improvements over time and the R-27R produced is mostly just for crappy MiG-29 exports though
Since why not stir up some argument on accident
From what I can tell, a supposed mockup of K-27EA, at least going off the seeker dish
(Sorry if this is a repost, I’m too lazy to read through the previous 280-ish messages)
It looks to be an R-27EP, this one was previously shown at other exhibitions. Whatever seeker is inside could just be a placeholder but the colored radome is only seen on R-27P variants.
Obviously the actual seeker being shown appears to be a 9B-1103 variant of unspecified size. The 9B-1032 seen in the R-27P guidance unit looks more like the one on the right;
Perhaps the plug was tested on the R-27AE in the 80s, but the project was closed in favor of the R-77
Why was the r-77 chosen over the r27ea?
From everything I can find, the r27ea would be vastly better in any situation that is not dogfighting range.
Better time to target, better energy, faster, etc etc.
probably a lot of R-27 parts were Ukrainian-made
or just cheaper
R-77 2x lighter. Probably higher reliability
The missile seemed quite a bit cheaper to mass produce and the parts designed to be easier to maintain / keep in storage. Shelf life would be higher, probability of kill much improved with the accuracy provided by grid fins. Maneuverability considerably enhanced against an enemy that was expected to be far more aware and maneuverable than the previous generation. Of course, it is lighter and one could carry more of them in theory.
If only russia could cook up double pylons for R-77 for something that isn’t a Flanker’s belly…
That is very unlikely
According to Ruslet it was due to budget reduction in 88/89 year: