Vympel R-27 'ALAMO' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

In the game, the R-27ET has a higher delta V than the ER, which is not true.

Hey buddy, what do you think of these two photos? Do the Flanker series, which served in the Soviet Union or Russia, have any photos of them being equipped with more ETs

As was answered earlier, this is only for transporting missiles.

May I ask if you have any information or evidence?

No, it’s a transportation version of the suspension

R-27T/ET is used only with APU-470, only AKU-470 can be suspended between the air intakes, under the air intakes also

The J11 from China has an additional fuel tank compared to the original SU27, resulting in a slightly heavier body, which is also reflected in the game. So we can’t rule out the possibility that J11, especially those produced by China, may have modifications on the hanging rack. After all, China has basically mastered the full set of technology of Su-27, so theoretically providing more APU470 for ET like Su-34 should not be difficult, right?

It was obviously only transport use. The missiles cannot be cooled from the ejection pylons. Their FoV is also obstructed.

so how su34 solve this problem? and we know No fov is not a problem to advanced fox1 such as aim9x or even r73

The J-11 has 4 fuel tanks, not 5 as on the original Su-27S. R-27T/ET cannot be launched with AKU-470, firstly there is no cooling gas supply to the missile, secondly IR missiles cannot be dropped only launched from rails, under the fuselage they cannot be used: firstly because of limited head view angles;
-secondly because of the high temperature of the exhaust gases, the fuselage is absolutely unprotected;
-Thirdly, the engine may blow up.


holy shit i was right about r27 being op but holyy



Is it normal that Early variants of R-27 does have datalink? R-27R or R-27R1 models

AFAIK yes. Seeker is the same for both R and ER.

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Yet Datalink could be another module alike MICA, which uses an UMMD module

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Its not. The datalink is an integral part of the radar signal and seeker head.

The modular part difference between the R and ER is the rocket motor.


The ER has had improvements over time and the R-27R produced is mostly just for crappy MiG-29 exports though

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Since why not stir up some argument on accident

From what I can tell, a supposed mockup of K-27EA, at least going off the seeker dish

(Sorry if this is a repost, I’m too lazy to read through the previous 280-ish messages)

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It looks to be an R-27EP, this one was previously shown at other exhibitions. Whatever seeker is inside could just be a placeholder but the colored radome is only seen on R-27P variants.

Obviously the actual seeker being shown appears to be a 9B-1103 variant of unspecified size. The 9B-1032 seen in the R-27P guidance unit looks more like the one on the right;