Vympel R-27 'ALAMO' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion


Check this. Its a bit long and you’ll need to use yandex.

It’s one way only. Sidelobes should give out enough power.
It doesn’t loft due to how it’s programmed. It’ll would conflict aswell with the seekerhead. Before it get’s launched, the receiver antenna gets locked in place to aim at the direction where the target is expected to be when the missile reaches certain distance from the target. If you make it loft, it would(should as ofc all guidance is magically made up ingame) correct itself. A second problem would arise from the antenna not pointing where the target will be. And if you make it loft, energy from sidelobes may not be enough.

If you lose lock(or its dropped), the radar itself stops the illumination mode. Relocking is not possible and the missile is trashed

The corrections are sent through a 7bit barker code(1s and 0s) through a carrier Continuous wave + 208/228kHz depending on the signals

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Thank you much!

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A cursory google-translated view seems to suggest then that the datalink is heavily overperforming in-game?

It seems that the system can’t compensate for losing the lock (the math would be spoiled, and thus the commands sent to the missile from the launching aircraft would be totally incorrect in navigating it)

Additionally, it seems that “manual lofting” may cause guidance problems in that the missile might stop receiving guidance updates from the launching aircraft for a substantial amount of time until it re-intercepts the radar beam, again throwing off the math and spoiling the tracking

And given you state the data is transmitted via a CW (I think its the same beam which the seeker uses to navigate to target?) it shouldn’t be able to update its datalink via TWS either?

Though, I certainly might be wrong, I’m pretty much clueless in this regard and I’m reading through google translate.

Anyway Its a pretty interesting way to do the datalink (and I think its likely very similar to the AIM-54)


R-27 data is transmitted from main lobe not sidelobes iirc the datalink is not the same as later more complex missiles such as AIM-7P, AMRAAM, R-77, etc.

Isn’t the sidelobe just energy not going the direction the antenna intends? AFAIK every antenna has it to some degree including the CW emitter

Also, wouldn’t it be important for the R-27 to get signal at all stages of flight, just incase the target maneuvers?

@MiG_23M your research into the R-27ER is terrible. You cannot even get the warhead weight right. Its 39kg.

Top speed is 4.5 in your own sources multiple times

This is terrible research… Where did you get these links?

Also, another link you sourced states only the N019M Topaz is equipped to cooperate with the R-27ER. This is true.

You also had zero clue that Ukraine operates & sells their own domestic version of the R-27ER. They do not produce Russian spec R-27ERs.

This is proven to be false you are following Ukrainian propaganda. Because they do not want to admit their missile is a failure.

Yes, to customers using Russian radars… And it’s totally compatible. Crazy.

The thread has not been updated aside from pictures using public sources that were collected en-mass prior to the MAI source & parents being found or shared. I haven’t made any claim that these statistics from the thread are true but I did share all of the links I found when doing the research. You’d be hard pressed to find more useful information from any other available sources.

So no, the research was not poor. It is a fairly decent collection of sites and sources from which to paint a picture of something. Certainly, having 60+ websites and various other sources is better than simply making stuff up as you have.

So I’ll ask again… What changed on the R-27ER that precludes it’s use on the N019 when the R-27R (sharing all parts besides motor) is perfectly fine?

Does the R-27ER have any updated guidance compared to the standard R-27?

If so, I suppose it might be possible that the fire control system may not have been properly configured to account for this, and thus the guidance simulations being performed onboard the launching aircraft may be inaccurate and cause the Datalink to transmit incorrect corrections to the missile.

AFAIR, the corrections are not instructions altering the flight path, but rather updates to the positions and velocity of the target, which the missile then computes the new trajectory for

This doesn’t happen with YAK-141 manual lofting, but it happened to me today with MiG-29SMT manual lofting


Its not done in TWS as in reality the position error is ±8km. As you saw the information needs to be highly accurate.
It’s CW, the document stated monochromatic which is by definition a CW

Its not an emitter. Its the main antenna. When you fire the missile, the radar interleaves between pulsed for tracking(20ms) and CW for guidance(30ms). If lock is dropped, and you immediately relock, it won’t return to this mode as you can see. But it does ingame…

The antenna is stabilized up to 90°. You can not roll more than 90° that as lock will be simply dropped. OFC you can do 360° rolls without issue in game, who would’ve thought…
2024-05-29 (1).translated
2024-05-29 (1)

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MiG-29 120 deg.In game 90

Not gimbal limit, aileron roll and maintain lock limit.

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What does the EM offer over the ER? (How big were the improvements and in what aspects? I’ve only seen about a modified seeker and not much else)

I’m gonna see if I can get a bug report for this. It seems the ‘reconnect datalink’ line is ahistorical.


Heavily is quite slight tbh.
The whole R27R/ER-radar interface- avionics is.
The nastiest one is the Searching speedgate of the R27R/ER. When you fire the missile, the missile searches ± Vgate around the expected target.
Back then, just before the R27R/ERs introduction. The missile had(somewhat) its correct speedgate. ±150m/s as you can see in the manual and the code in 2022 when it first came out.
2024-05-29 (3)
2024-05-29 (5)
Then before the update went live. It was cut by 3. ± 50m/s.
2024-05-29 (4)
You can basically fire missiles at targets much much much much closer to the beam than it could and much more than any other missile. Especially firing at targets from behind.
Why it was correct and then put at an unrealistic value? Surely Bias from someone at gaijin can’t be right?

You can also see it on the notch speed of the radars. The radar cannot detect a target flying at ±210-220 kph from the beam, as stated on the manual. Through, as stated by the dev, sekrit dokumintz, its ±150 kph.
2024-05-29 (7)

These limits are based on N-019 circuity, not on flight manuals. I took rejection filters position and carrier frequency of 11 GHz to provide speed limits. The real operating frequency range may be little bit lower (9-10 GHz) and limits may be little bit higher because of this. But not too much.

I didn’t mention the source I used, so it doesn’t matter if there is rejection filter for some area or pass-through filter for the rest area. I think we understood each other. You can take filters position do some calcullations and have the same values for speed for the same operating frequency.

The radar, like the AWG9, drops targets from locks if the targets velocity components falls under certain threshold. On the AWG9 its ±110 kts and on the SU-27(Mig 29) its ±150 kph, as stated on the manual.
2024-05-29 (2).translated

You can see this pattern everywhere.


If you don’t mind, what page was this on?

HELL even the azimuth limits are wrong. Ingame it tracks up to ±70°.
yet in reality the radar drops tracking at 60°.
2024-05-29 (9)

Everything with soviets avionics, he just takes artistic liberty to overperformance. Its just nasty to see. Its like nobody at gaijin checks over his deceitful work.
And ofcourse, nothing at other nations enjoy his ‘artistic liberties’ but need mountains of real data to match it to reality. And even that is sometimes not enough to justify and he then proceeds to use his imagination…

  1. But on document 1 of the SU27 manual.
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For the datalink reconnecting

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Does this even work anymore? I used to be able to do that, but every time I try to do it now it does not work