VT-5 (Bangladesh) Discussion

884hp is generated due to altitude related inefficiencies.

So it should be 1000 hp at low altitude?
But knowing Gaijin they need “hard evidence” and will instead probably model it with 884 hp instead, and it will be difficult to prove to Gaijin.

High altitude.

So the other way around?

yes but keep in mind that this isn’t a official fact or anything like that.

I feel like we might get the VT-5BD as an event vehicle and the VT-5 as obviously a squadron vehicle, the Iran - Iraq game mode is around the corner and we could see it as a reward for it (somewhat like the M60 AMBT or the YaK-3T) - I just hope we do indeed get the VT-5BD as a separate vehicle instead of a modification, this will help a lot with lineups and especially at 10.7.

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It’s already a squadron tank in the dev server. Other VT-5 with side ERA hasn’t been added in the dev server yet

That’s just very unfortunate, might have to avoid China at around 10.7 until the squadron spam calms down a bit anyways, the VT-5BD and VT-5 should’ve honestly been separate vehicles.

BD should be a joint vehicle, he doesn’t have remote-controlled weapons for combat. The weapon warfare of VT5 was wrong. The heavy armored VT5 should be an unmanned weapon warfare with 12.7HMG and 35mm grenades

I’d love a grenade launcher but chances are it won’t be added. Though I don’t think those fence things under the era on the sides is modeled in the game yet either.

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Ah, still no grenade launcher though.

BMP-2M has a grenade launcher… I don’t understand why the VT-5 doesn’t.

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So does the m60ambt, neither of them are Chinese.

The mbt2000 is supposed to have half smoke half HE grenades on the turret but they’re all smoke.

Not half. Two shrapnel grenades on each side (4 total)

We need to submit a bug report about the missing RCWS once this VT-5 comes in the Dev server or live server.


That’s still 4 more than it has in game
