but there’s the t69 iig in the Chinese tech tree as a premium
How good of a round does this thing get? Is it gonna be top tier or like 11.0?
550?or DTC-105 II 496?
Its best round BTA2 105 pens around 550mm RHA at 0°
Or they can give it DTC-10 105 (3rd generation sabot) that has more penetration than M900
DTC-10 105 exists? Do you have any pictures of it?
BTA-2’s performance should be similar to M900 in the game.
It’s actually DTC02-105, I got the name wrong (Domestic BTA-2)

~Penetrator length of around 645mm, this is longer than even DTC-10 125 used by the 99A.
The official penetration figure is 220mm of RHA @ 2000m (target angled at 66.42 degrees) → 550mm LOS.
It is almost on the same level of DTW-125, I would guess around 530-540mm of flat penetration at 0 meters if it is added to WT.
That doesn’t sound like top tier stats, sounds like it would be around 11.0 with that round
Well keep in mind the VT-5 has a 4-5 second reload
Sure, but so does the cv90 105 and that’s only like 10.0
Combination of the sabot, reload, optics, etc. as well as decent armor for a LT, I don’t think the BR would be too low, maybe 11.0 like you said.
It’s one of the newest vehicles after all in use.
It will probably be 10.7
Is the squadron VT-5 the light or heavy armor package?
If you try to do a protection analysis on it the game just closes
I hope he won’t leave the VT5 like that, it’s 10 tons too much, it’s not the right gun, and the VT5/ZTQ15 being a mountain tank its engine has a compressor making it go from 800 HP to 1000 HP
I don’t remember where I read that but from memory at “altitude” in the mountains only the VT5 has around 800 hp thanks to the compressor which maintains good oxygen compression in the engine but at low altitude the engine goes up to 1000 hp