I whant DTW-III-105
Highly likely as it should come after ZLT11 in TT
Autoloader’s reload speed can be proved from the CCTV’s VT-5 video however I couldn’t find any source to back the turret elevation stats.
Hopefully this will get BTA2 105. DTW-105 isnt suitable for its BR.
That would be nice, though with Gaijin’s ammunition track record, I wouldn’t be surprised if they give it “Type 83 APDS” as its best round.
According to the 2017 VT-5 brochure this tank is indeed equipped with a 1000hp engine. However the actual power output is much lower (650KW/871.67hp). We are seeing lower power output probably due to cooling or other inefficiencies. Since VT-5BD uses a different radiator compared to the 2017 VT-5, VT-5BD’s engine can produce 884hp.
Does anyone know whether gaijin models engine efficiency in the game or not?
I have a feeling it says a lower output because of the engine at altitude where it was planned to be used. It’s probably at 1000hp at sea level
Obviously I am massively oversimplifying this, but the horsepower drop off at altitude for these mountainous areas is exactly why the engines were probably rated for 1000hp, to compensate for drop off.
A kind of ammunition reference for VT5
Maneuverability characteristics of the VT-5 lightweight main battle tank
Reload speed
Also from CCTV
Lets hope Gaijin will give us 4s autoloader and the spall liners.
I also hope so. I hope China can have a stronger vehicle
Comrade, do you know which book this came from? / does it have a front cover? It will help with bug reporting
Dude is the “1000hp“ really from NORINCO? I though it was 884hp
Do you have a pdf copy or a link to this? Sorry I cannot locate it :(
884 is the VT5 from Bangladesh