VT-5 (Bangladesh) Discussion

If you have evidence that Bangladesh will join Japan due to ASEAN, please provide evidence. I prove that the evidence of Bangladesh as a Chinese subtree is the interview with BVVD

yes and i told u pls show me it again, cause i am not finding it

yeah but thats no confirmation that bangladesh is a subtree
in the sentence literaly is thailand named as well but we know where that is going currently

Honestly that is one of the vague answers that dont proof anything, it can only mean pakistan or even not mentioned north korea , but leaving bangladesh and thailand as example completly out

Please refer to the Chinese English comparison chart I posted

that doesnt change it

it only says china will get stuff basicaly, but not from where

If you think so, then I can tell you that Gaijin does not recognize ASEAN as a Japanese subtree, and even Thailand cannot obtain all of its vehicles

You should try to understand the fact that Japan isn’t getting vehicles from every ASEAN member. Its most likely getting vehicles from ASEAN founding members and those countries have western Vehicles unlike Bangladesh.
ASEAN isn’t like NATO. We have Defense Pacts with China which is why China is the most logical place for Bangladeshi vehicles.

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[quote=“dotSHINI, post:50, topic:188871”]
wouldnt be the first time gajin did questionable choices

China has huge player base, bad choices will lead to massive backlash

In the initial Japanese F5 DEV, the administrator mentioned that “NO”

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same can be said for germany, but here we are

We should discuss about this somewhere else. Lets not clutter this thread.

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The administrator’s original words are: Japanese trees will not have Chinese vehicles.

@MightyBaozi Please turn off this line for 1 hour to calm everyone down


if you mean the dev server stream,
the often already said wrong information, they arent realy trusted in that regard

@MightyBaozi Dont forget to remove the lock after one hour btw. I’m collecting info in this thread.

Edit: Thread lock isn’t needed anymore, Thanks anyways.

i mean, its all on topic and i dont consider this realy getting out of hand either
i think we discussed this courteously

I mean this was just a backup post for my suggestion. We could have discussed this in a separate thread about Chinese Sub trees.

Excuse my late response… So this is a thread about the VT-5 (Bangladesh version, still to gather info on the tank itself, not discuss where to put it) to gather info on a possible suggestion, please do not turn this into “This vehicle will end up here… or there”. We all know where those arguments end up going, and we don’t want that. The vehicle will end up wherever it will end up. End of story.

The OP specifically asked to keep it technical info wise, so talking about TT placement goes off-topic.


Idk if you’re being sarcastic or you simply have no knowledge of background context