VT-4A1 should get Side ERAs to become not so garbage as hell in next update

First,next update all west mbts will get a reload speed improvemnt.C1 Mekeva all human reload time will decrease to just 5 seconds.And most West mbts have APFSDS over 600MM.Meanwhile,Chinese VT-4A1 is just a top tier shit,downtier of even to its ZTZ99A,with totally shitter mobility(only 1300HP engine compared to ztz99a 1500hp,and there are same issue on vt4a1 track and transmission which ZTZ96 ZTZ96A ZTZ99II ZTZ99III ZTZ99A WZ1001E used to have everytime when Chinese get a new mbt,this same issue make your movements like rideing a bike on a shit pool,very hard to turn and lose speed scary quick while turning .All above mentions mbts this issue get fixed everytime after thery realeased 1 years later.This is just Gaijin bias.How can same movement issue happened on different tanks same and same again?You just copy wrong datas to make chines tanks again and again.) worse gun angle -3 front 2 sides compared to ztz99a -5,worse reserve speed -17km/h compaed with ztz99a -34km/h) and same 100% explosion fuel tank full with 114514 tons of bombs inside .And its protection is just similar to ZTZ99A,and even though so much downtiered,VT4A1 is still Same Br with ZTZ99A,no more need to compare with other country 11.7 mbts.
Even most people think garbage Italy C1 AMV have totally better mobility and totally better firepower and totally better Survivability than VT4A1,if you always kill Chinese mbts and Italy mbts,you will find Chinese MBTs is the most easy to kill with one shoot from side,because its 2 crews in one line and feet touched shells.And Chinese mbts have no any sides ERAs on down part of body like Russian or French or Italy or Germany or USA have.At least in my play time,VT4A1 is totally the worst mbt in top tier including USA/GERMANY/FRECN/CHINA/ITALY/SWEDEN.VT4A1 is already the worst mbt in 11.7 right now,no more need to say it will be even lagging more behind while Italy and some other mbts get reload buffed.
Second.VT4A1 do lacks a lot of ERAs in reality.It lacks tens of ERAs above the head,and lacks tens of ERAs on 2 sides.The VT4A1 in game model is from Norinco showed in 2019,with GL-6 APS,while VT4 basic type have no this thing.VT4A1 is already the newest type of VT4.
Third,there are a lot of pictures of VT4A1 hanging above head ERAs from China Zhuhai Airshow local photos.And months ago,people near Norinco build bases take vedios of Norinco mbts,including what i say VT4A1,with full ERAs and other side armors clearly.And it is still VT4A1 not VT4, since it is totally same as VT4A1 except sided ERAs.
Forth,I know many west people that never play Chinese line still crying Chines MBTs are too powerful ,like ZTZ99A is better than T80BVM like a clown day dreamer.If you hate China and chinese mbts,always throw bias words still wont help you on reality life level.If ZTZ99A or VT4A1 is so op,why even swedish 122A players are more than Chinese ZTZ99A or VT4A1 players.Chinese is the 3rd biggest country players come from,but only less than 50% chinese choose chinese line,since it sucks in fact.VT4A1 win rate is 70% in those little numbers 10000 kills “newers” dont mean this tank is good at all.A shit tank always have too high data,like shit M41D garbage.Since these skilled players just like to eat shit to act they are skillful .VT4A1 is just useless garbage worse than even C1 AMV in normal players hands.


VT4A1with side ERA in Baotou


And a bilibili vedio source website: 外贸装甲主战车辆队列_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


suggest reducing VT4A1 to 11.0. Its performance is almost no different from MBT2000, only with high-definition thermal imaging and APS added.
and the maneuverability has also deteriorated.


I mean you can remove the high definition thermal part, Khalid has that and sits at 10.7, although post update it will be 11.0. Again I think it is still better turret armour, so maybe post update 11.3, or fix the maneuvrability and reload, stay 11.7 (post BR change).

0.3 BR will not bring any difference. at least 0.7.

this is distant

Is it a combat package like AWV and UBH? It could be added like the Additional side ERA like in the T-90M as motification and keeping it at same BR.


It’s an option that customers can add onto the tank purchase. The VT4 and the VT4A1 are able to be customized to the customers needs/wants. The additional ERA is an option they can select. Therefore it should be added as a modification. The lack of the ERA just shows the devs bias since Russian tanks get additional ERA mods for the different configurations of the tank but the VT4A1 is missing it despite product brochures showing the configuration and actual images of one in said configuration.


It’s a rather good tank. You’re spoiled by the mobility of the ztz99a, which makes you think it’s bad. But it’s still a rather mobile tank, it has good armor (better than the merkavas, type 10’s, challenger 2’s, arietes, and lecleres, and on par with the Abram’s). The pen isn’t phenomenal but the post pen is rather good and the gun handling is fine. It’s not the best 11.7 but it’s nowhere near the worst, and when gaijin gets around to it it’ll get spall liners. I’m not saying it shouldn’t get an option for side era but you seem to just suck with it or something cause it’s not a bad tank as is, it’s actually rather good.
TLDR: skill issue.

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yeah, just like Challenger 2 : ) , even worse.
the armor thickness is also missing.


the worst firepower. poor armor. mobility without any advantage. It’s really powerful.

this is also a piece of s( )t made by gaijin
equally bad armor, equally worst firepower.
mobility does not bring any advantages.



Considering that the VT-4A1 comes after the WZ1001 which is superior in almost every manner, I think a side ERA isn’t a huge stretch to give it a leg up over the previous vehicle in the tech tree. Maybe add it in as a researchable module so people can choose if they want mobility or armor.

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when will gaijin correct this mistake?

Discussion on errors of MBT2000/khalid/VT4 in game - Machinery of War Discussion / Ground Vehicle - War Thunder — official forum



The biggest problem it is currently facing is firepower. The loading time should not be 7.1. DTC10 should not be 577, it should be 635

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It is gaijin, they are more likely to let Chinese players research a new TT vehicle, instead of buffing the original one…😫

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No longer, they nerf it recently.

i dont know how gaijin dare to put this shit to a line end after WZ1001E ,it is even worse than ZTZ99A

but i think gaijin will deny my issue,Trizz wont be happen too see a bug report to buff chinese mbts though,they always say NOT A BUG ,and need we give books sources.But it is very hard to find a books always leak chinese now using mbts datas .The only book i can find to support VT4A1 side ERAs are Norinco introduction book of Chinese vehicles and armos ERAs in my articles of FY-2s and VT-4 introductions.When it is russian tanks,vedios will be enouch evidence to be accepted as sources to add side ERAs,when it is chinese,they just double standard and very strictly ask us give more books details.I feel sad.VT4A1 is already the shittest 11.7 ,next updates it will lagging even later.And gaijin still improve its br,sad.

if you say VT4A1 mobility is good,means you never ever played it at all.Data on card means nothing.

any way,it is just shit as hell now.Add side ERAs is the only thing i can do and find enough datas

although i cant understand what is missed,but hope you can give more datas to support .i doubt gaijin really want these tons of issues on vt4a1 be fixed.

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dreaming gaijin buffed chinese apfsds longer than russian is just meaningless,gaijin will never make that happened until gaijin died.

lol.meanwhile VT4A1 is even worse than its WZ1001E front.