Vs.Kfz.31 Leichttraktor Rheinmetall

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Like i allready suggested 2 different versions of the Großtraktor, now also the Leichttraktor Rheinmetall (Or short L.Tr. Rh) (Gameplay wise its the better one) to have the developmental beginning of german rearmarment after WW1 in terms of Tank development.
It would add a new light tank to the game, that while not having that good light tank characteristics because of the rather low top speed, but will have good survivability (engine in the front, as well as air and double layer armor. with great angle) and overall small size with a usable/good gun, that is currently a bit underrepresented in game, even tho it was if not the most common AT and Tank gun at the start of the war, the 3,7 cm KwK L/45, allready familiar from the Pz III Ausf. B and E, Nb.Fz and Sd.Kfz.251/10.

The Leichttraktor was along the Kleintraktor (which would become the Pz I) the first light tank development in 1928, mere 2 years after the start of the Großtraktor development. The name itself was one of the ways to hide the tank development as it was prohibited by the Versailles contract.
Again the companies Rheinmetall, Krupp and Daimler Benz were contracted to develop a light tank in the 10-12 ton categorie.
In an Document from 17.04.1928 for the Kraftfahrt Rüstungsprogramm, that the first prototypes are to be delivered in October 1929 and start of testing in 1930. Which would be continued to have a companie of 17 tanks in 1931 build by the remaining buget.
After further development and problems with the specifications such as the weight class and engine power Rheinmetall allready had their concerns about it beeing underpowered and Daimler Benz directly layed off the contract in july 1928.

Along the normal Rheinmetall, there was also a Panzerjäger version, with a new turret design with reduced frontal size and one armed with still an 3,7 cm KwK L/45 and one armed with an 2 cm KwK L/50.

Pictures: (Click to show)


Here the Coax visible:


And more general pictures:



The specifications were:

  • A Rheinmetall 3,7 cm Gun with 200 rounds (the 3,7 cm KwK L/45)
  • A crew of 3 to 4
  • Max weight of 6 ton (like the Vickers-Armstrong which was developed in the same year)
  • 40 km/h on street and 20 km/h offroad speed
  • Climb of up to 60°
  • 150 L tank volume
  • A smoke discharger
  • Gas filter
  • Radio equipment
    Along of the obvious function of a tank, it was also be able to fill other rolls such as a Food Tug, Ammo transporter and a civil version.

The Gun:
3,7 cm KwK 36 L/45 (or at that time still the 3,7 cm KwK L/45) and a Coax Mg 08 (watercooled) 100 rounds in the drum 550 rpm.
With 150 and 3000 rounds reserve respectively.
-10° to +20° elevation, 360° Traverse at 20-25°/sec speed.
Pzgr. (APHE) 0,685 kg 13 g Pent 745 m/s 47mm/10m
Pzgr.40 (APCR) 0,37 kg 1020 m/s 86mm/10m
Sprgr.18 (HE) 0,62kg 29 g Np.10 (49,3g TNTe) 780m/s
Sprgr.40 (HE) 0,665 kg 45 g Np.10 (76,5g TNTe) 780m/s

The Vehicle:
L / W / H: 4,21 m / 2,26 m / 2,27 m
Speed: 35 km/h
Engine: Daimler Benz M36 6 Cylinder 100 Ps at 2000 Rpm
Armor: LFP 19,5 mm angled, UFP 14,5 mm heavily angled, Drivers Hood 14,5mm, and a 8,5 mm Armor plate between the engine compartment and fighting compartment.
back 14,5 mm, side 2x 14,5 mm turret 14,5 mm all around.

Vs.Kfz.31 Manual
Munition der 3,7 cm Pak und KwK
Tanks of the World 1915-1945


Ooh I’ve been waiting for this one. I hope we get a special mode for early interwar vehicles.

I love interwar tanks. +1

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New picture.

New pics, i also added to the suggestion.


+1, older vehicles need more love.

Hey, this is my old suggestion! Naturally +1


+1, Looks cool and would be quite good! Also, the turret reminds me of the Strv m/31.

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Well, that is because in the interwar period, germany and german companies went to a couple of different countrys to develop their tanks there to go around the Versailles treatie, including sweden, were Ferdinand Porsche even went to. Which also partly influenced their tank designe.
Just like the Leichttraktor, also the Großtraktor has such a round turret.
There is also a nice photo of Ferdinand Porsche in Sweden (iirc) tho i cant find it.

Inside the turret:


Updated the suggestion a little bit, corrected the coax from Mg 13 to Mg 08, watercooled 100 rounds drum MG and 550 rpm fire rate.

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WoT 2013 vibes ❤
+1 but perhaps as some event vehicle because it is really outdated… I mean char 2C is also outdated but it has a powerful cannon and not awful survivability

This wont have bad survivability, the engine and cooling system is in the front, with an heavily angled frontplate, that will eat many shots.

it has good survivability, but the cannon and mobility, ehh kinda minimize its capabilities