Vought XF5U-1 - The Flying Pancake

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Vought XF5U-1

   Hello everyone, I’d like to suggest the Vought XF5U-1 for the US aviation tech tree in War Thunder. It was an experimental US Navy fighter aircraft designed by Charles H. Zimmerman for the Vought and US Navy during World War II. It had an unconventional fuselage design consisting of a flat disc-shaped body with two piston engines buried in the body, driving propellers on the leading edge, at the wingtips. Hence, it had the following nicknames: Zimmer’s Skimmer, Flying Flapjack, and Flying Pancake. Unfortunately, the XF5U-1 only made a few hops before the project suffered delays and overruns and was canceled in 1947. Nevertheless, I believe this is a valid suggestion for this aircraft to fit as a premium battle pass or event in the game.

Key Characteristics

  • Experimental naval fighter
  • Flat disc-shaped fuselage with two propellers on the leading edge
  • Two 1,350-hp Pratt & Whitney XR-2000-2 radial engines
  • High maneuverability and low stall speed
  • Provisions planned to install either six HMGs or four cannons



In 1937, Charles H. Zimmerman, the aeronautical engineer celebrity who had been working on a variety of projects, joined Vought company. One of his projects he worked on was the Vought V-162. It featured an unconventional all-wing design consisting of a flat, disk-shaped body serving as the lifting surface, powered by two buried piston engines. The design presented a greater interest for the US Navy, and Zimmerman was offered to fund his further development of the V-162.

The Navy obtained data and concept documentation in 1939, with wind tunnel tests on full-scale models being built and completed in 1940-1941. Subsequently, the proof-of-concept prototype V-173 was constructed of wood and canvas as a lightweight test model powered by two 80-hp Continental A-80 engines turning F4U Corsair propellers, later fitted with a pair of modified 16 feet and 6 inches three-bladed propellers. It had a tall and fixed undercarriage combined with a small tailwheel that gave the aircraft a 22-degree nose-high angle. Its disc wing design was to specifically overcome the disadvantages of induced drag created at the wingtips with the large propellers actively canceling the drag-causing tip vortices.

On November 23, 1942, the V-173 flew for the first time. After eliminating the issues with the flight, the V-173 aircraft went on to do more flight testing through 1942 and 1943 with 190 true-controlled flights, causing reports of UFOs from the local civilians. Remarkably, the aircraft was so durable that it was not severely damaged when flipping over and crashing on a beach during an emergency landing. The pilot did not sustain any significant injuries either. The V-173 made its last flight on March 31, 1947, with 131.8 hours and 200 flights.

Design and Development

Flashbacking to January 19, 1942, the US Navy’s Bureau of Aeronautics requested Vought and Zimmerman to propose a fighter built similar to the V-173 design, and on September 17, 1942, the Navy issued a letter of intent for two VS-315 fighters, designated XF5U-1.

The Vought XF5U-1 would be a rigid aluminum airframe covered with lighter and stronger Metalite. Overall, it had the same basic configuration as the V-173 but was much heavier and more complex. The XF5U’s entire disk-shaped fuselage had the intention to provide lift along with a short wingspan and large counter-rotating propellers placed at the wingtips. The aircraft was fitted with two vertical tails, and between them were two stabilizing flaps. The stabilizing flaps were there to be deflected up by air loads flying near the ground. It allowed air to escape from under the aircraft. The stabilizing flaps improved aircraft control during landing.

On the sides of the XF5U were hydraulically-boosted, all-moving ailavators, combining both ailerons and elevators. The ailavators had a straight leading edge rather than the swept leading edge used on the V-173’s ailavators. Two large balance weights projected forward of each ailavator’s leading edge. A conventional seating position was chosen for the pilot instead of a prone position. A catapult bridle could be attached to the aircraft’s main gear to facilitate catapult-assisted launches from aircraft carriers. For carrier landings, the XF5U had an arresting hook that could be deployed from the aircraft’s upper surface and hung over the rear of the aircraft.

As designed, the XF5U was to be powered by two 1,600-hp Pratt & Whitney R-2000-2 engines, later substituted by two 1,350-hp R-2000-7 due to development changes. The engines were buried in the fuselage, and engine-driven cooling fans drove air through intakes in the aircraft’s leading edge. Cooling air exit flaps were located on the engine nacelles on the upper and lower fuselage. An exit intercooler air was located farther back on the top side of each nacelle. The engines were controlled by a single throttle lever and could not be operated independently except at startup.

The propellers were to have a built-in cyclic movement similar to a helicopter’s main rotor. The aircraft initially used propellers similar to the one on the V-173 prototype, but they were later replaced with propellers taken from the Vought F4U-4 Corsair, with the lessons learned from the ongoing flight tests of the V-173.

The aircraft had provisions for the armament consisting of six M2 Browning machine guns, three stacked on each side of the cockpit, with 400 rounds per gun. Two hardpoints under the aircraft could each accommodate a 1,000-lb bomb. However, the armament was not installed on the prototype.

A wooden mockup of the XF5U was built and evaluated by the Navy in June 1943. On July 15, 1944, the Navy ordered two fully-powered prototypes. Because of the complex systems and unconventional layout, the construction of XF5U was delayed and further stagnated by higher priority work during World War II.

“Flight” Trials

On August 20, 1945, the XF5U with serial 33958 was finally built and completed at the Vought factory in Connecticut. It was rolled out with the F4U-4 propellers installed, and some ground runs were conducted. However, it was not ready for more tests until late 1946, when the articulating propellers arrived for replacement. On February 3, 1947, the XF5U started taxi tests from the factory, but concerns over the propeller drive quickly surfaced. The aircraft made only a few hops into the flight. No true-controlled test flights were attempted. Because the rigid metallic construction made it difficult to disassemble, further trials of XF5U were to be taken at Edwards Air Force Base, where facilities could handle any complications, especially with untested engine-propeller transmission systems, that might arise. It had to be transported on the ship from Connecticut to California via the Panama Canal since the aircraft was too large to be transported over roads. It was an expensive transportation request for the Navy.

However, the Navy had been switching its focus from piston-engined aircraft to all-jet aircraft. Furthermore, the delay and overruns of the XF5U project failed to meet the original development time and budget. With jet aircraft coming into service, the Navy ultimately terminated the project on March 17, 1947. Orders were issued to scrap the XF5U before it made its first flight. With the engines and instruments salvaged first, it was found difficult to scrap the XF5U’s entire airframe due to its rigid metallic construction. It was to be smashed by a giant wrecking steel ball, but the first drops failed to destroy the strong airframe. After adjusting to determine where the ball must be dropped, the aircraft was finally destroyed and became a pile of metal scraps after a few successful controlled drops. The remains of scraps were sold, removing any traces of it. The second XF5U airframe with serial 33959 was assembled and destroyed during static tests. Only the prototype V-173, the father of these XF5Us, was spared from fate and transferred to the Smithsonian Museum for display.

It was a tragic and unfortunate event for the prototype that came close to flight testing and never flew. Zimmerman had moved on to develop VTOL aircraft for the rest of his career.


Vought XF5U-1

General Characteristics

  • Crew: 1 (Pilot)
  • Length: 28 ft 7.2 in (8.72 m)
  • Height: 14 ft 9.6 in (4.51 m)
  • Span: 32 ft 6 in (9.91 m)
  • Wing area: 475 sq ft (44.2 sq m)
  • Propeller Type: 2 x 4-bladed articulated propellers
  • Propeller Diameter: 16 ft (4.88 m)
  • Powerplant: 2 x Pratt & Whitney R-2000-2(D) supercharged, radial air-cooled piston engines
    → 3,200 hp @ war emergency power
    → 2,700 hp @ military power
  • Empty Weight: 14,550 lb (6,600 kg)
  • Gross Weight: 16,802 lb (7,621 kg)
  • Maximum Takeoff Weight: 18,917 lb (8,581 kg)
  • Internal Fuel: 261-300 US gal. (988 - 1136 L)
  • Oil Tankage: 26 US gal. (98.4 L)

Performance @ War Emergency Power (Estimates)

  • Power-to-Weight Ratio: 0.19 hp/lb (312.4 W/kg)
  • Sea Level Speed: 394 mph (634 km/h)
  • Critical Altitude Speed:
    • 431 mph @ 10,000 ft (694 km/h @ 3,048 m)
    • 451 mph @ 15,000 ft (726 km/h @ 4,572 m)
    • 472 mph @ 20,000 ft (759 km/h @ 6,096 m)
    • 492 mph @ 25,000 ft (792 km/h @ 7,620 m)
    • 504 mph @ 30,700 ft (811 km/h @ 9,357 m)
  • Stall Speed: 20 mph (32 km/h)
  • Landing Speed: 40 mph (64 km/h)
  • Wing Loading: 35.4 lb/sq ft (172.8 kg/sq m)
  • Takeoff Distance - Calm: 930 ft (283 m)
  • Rate of Climb: 3,950 fpm (20.06 m/s)
  • Time to Altitude:
    • 2.8 minutes to 10,000 ft (3,048 m)
    • 5.8 minutes to 20,000 ft (6,096 m)
  • Service Ceiling: 32,000 - 35,500 ft (9,754 - 10,820 m)
  • Maximum Range: 710 - 910 miles (1,142 - 1,465 km)

Engine Ratings

  • Takeoff:

    → 1,350 BHP @ 2,700 RPM @ sea level

  • Normal:

    → 1,100 BHP @ 2,550 RPM

  • Military:

    → 1,350 BHP @ 2,700 RPM

  • War Emergency:

    → 1,600 BHP @ 2,700 RPM


  • Guns:

    • 6 x .50-cal. M2 Browning machine guns (400 rpg; 2,400 rounds)


    • 4 x 20-mm AN/M3 cannons (Unknown # of rounds)

  • Bombs:

    • 2 x 1,000-lb bombs
    • 2 x 500-lb bombs
  • Drop Tanks:

    • 2 x 150-gal drop tank

Supplemental Data (Estimated Figures)




Conclusion | Why it should be in the game

   The Vought XF5U-1 was an experimental US Navy fighter aircraft designed for the Navy to explore and test its maneuverability and low-aspect ratio platform with short takeoff and landing capability. It was canceled in 1947, with only two prototypes built and a few short hops completed. I feel this aircraft is the best fit to become an upcoming battle pass or seasonal event vehicle, given the circumstances of the XF5U’s history. It would be a unique aircraft in War Thunder, as it has no wings and only has a flat disc-shaped fuselage with ailavators. The flight model would be incredibly amusing and wicked since it has a short takeoff and landing capability and could hold low stall speed at a high angle of attack. With its small wing area, it would have a high maneuverability, with durable structural strength excelling in withholding significant damage. That’s why I think it’s best to come as the rare premium aircraft that would attract the great interest of dedicated completionists.


Thank you for taking the time to read my suggestion! 😃


+1 for the flying pancake!!

+1 is not enough!

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lmfao, any pancake is approved already

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This gets my absolute 100% +1; I’ve wanted the Flying Pancake for eons!

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great post, lots of relevant information +2

Lmao real

I hope it has chocolate chips on it 😁

better not be a event or premium

I’m honestly quite astonished that it’s not in the game already


The day this pancake is in WT I buy the freedom fighter for grind it

./. 500 from immersion perspective
+1 from an aircraft enthusiast perspective.


Just another (US) dead end postwar plahe that will ending up polluting WW 2 lobbies with actual WW 2 planes - if you check the performance it will end up somewhere between 5.7 and 6.0 with 0.50 cals (6.3 - 6.7 with 20mm) in Air RB as the plane lacks firepower with 0.50 cals or is too slow for a 7.0 BR. On top of that the average US pilot lacks the skill to use his aircraft properly, so the effect we see with A6M5s and Re 2005s (=highly overtiered) won’t happen.

Gaijin stated countless times that won’t add stuff which can be described as “Il-2 Sturmovik 1946” with stuff like the Focke Wulff Triebfluegel to the game - but thanks to the BR setting policies we have already a hell of USSR and US postwar aircraft at WW 2 BRs (like Yak-3U, I-225, La 9 or F2G, AD-2/4, F-82) accompanied by very late planes like P-51 D-30/K/H-5, F8Fs or prime examples like the Tigercat & the Hornet - they all saw no combat and scored not a single kill in WW 2.

But - from an enthusiast’s perspective the plane should be added. First because it is a very interesting concept and second: Air RB is already Air AB+ - a plain fantasy shooter without any immersion - an additional plane like this won’t hurt.

+1 from me!

Because it is an interesting aircraft, and with how often US aircraft are copy-pasted into other trees it can do with a few prototype aircraft in the main tech tree, especially fascinating examples such as the XF5U, and it isn’t as though there aren’t a bunch of aircraft ingame that never saw combat as it is. Moreover it isn’t a paper aircraft, it was built to the point where it could’ve flown.


One of the biggest +1s from me for a WWII prop plane

Whilst i see and acknowledge your points, i am not sure if you got mine.

It is not an issue of being a (rather interesting) prototype or having not seen combat. WT simply sets BRs on factors like pilot performance on average and other parameters like burst mass which allows that in this case a 1947 prototype would fight 1944 service aircraft like the Spit Mk 22 or the Ta 152 H-1 whilst being at a much lower BR.

I mean if play wt for WW 2 prop feeling i expect a somehow realistic combat experience, so if i would use this suggested aircraft from 1947 i would expect fighting Luftwaffe or RAF jets.

If you are fine with this fantasy setup, there is nothing wrong with that. But this does not mean that we have the same understanding what we like or dislike.

Have a good one!

I feel that’s a bit of a silly reason when Gaijin never has cared all that much about when a vehicle was introduced, only where it would fit BR wise.

S-199 is post-war, yet is at 3.3

Almost all of Sweden’s early to mid tier vehicles are post war modifications.

Early German and Japanese jets routinely face cold-war jets.

ME 163s and Ki-200s are solidly in the cold war jet bracket.

The Skyraiders were introduced a year after the war ended, yet regularly face WW2 aircraft.

The Wyvern is a post war aircraft that routinely faces WW2 aircraft.

F-82 was introduced in 1946.

The Strikemaster is a modern aircraft at 6.3.

And likely a number more.

While I do understand the issue of not wanting ‘fantasy’ battles, I feel that ship has long since sailed in being something Gaijin considers, if they ever did in the first place, and it isn’t as though the XF5U-1 is THAT much of a timetraveler. The prototype was completed only a couple years after WW2’s end, and it’s not a modern trainer or a COIN aircraft, and would probably be in the late prop fighter bracket along with most of the other late/post war prop aircraft, maybe even the early jet br range, so it’s not like it would be somewhere out of place either.

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