The Vought V-173 'Flying Pancake' should be added to the game

The Vought V-173 ‘Flying Pancake’ should be added as a premium American strike aircraft. I personally think it would be a great addition and pretty funny. I will say that if this is added it would be silly. If I’m correct… Its primary armament is 8x .50cal and 2x 20mm auto cannons. No rockets or bombs. Wouldn’t it be a fun plane Gaijin.



This prop specification is too strong and should be at least 6.3 so the game-play experience will be bad. Also the strange frame will challenge Gaijin to implement its FM.


Please check the suggestion rules to see how to properly create suggestions:

Anyhow, as @Surbaissemaxxing mentioned, a suggestion for this plane already exists.

(A similar suggestion of it can be found here, to avoid duplicates))))))

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