Hello everyone! Welcome to VN12A’s suggestion. Many of you who may be following the 2024 airshow have seen this vehicle. I’m going to give a brief overview of it and explain how it will fit into War Thunder
At the beginning of the 21st century, through the introduction of technology and the design of its own chassis, China developed tracked vehicles such as the ZBD04 ZBD04A and ZBD86A. These vehicles have since been produced and used to replace the aging APCs and ZBD86s. their emergence marked a new phase in the development of PLAA’s infantry fighting vehicle technology.
On the other hand, technological advances also opened up new opportunities for NORINCO’s foreign trade in weapons. Engineers designed a variety of light armored vehicles with the prefix “VN” for foreign trade. The PLA’s own ZBD04 (VN11) and ZBD86A (VN6) have also received export designations and participated in various exhibitions.
Among the various types of export vehicles, the VN12, which made its debut in 2014, is an IFV that often appears in displays. it continues the traditional infantry fighting vehicle design idea of a front-mounted engine layout, and retains the BMP1-like captain’s position behind the driver in some models. The VN12 is considered a cheaper product than the more expensive heavy IFVs such as the VN20 and VN17.
The VN12 has evolved over more than a decade of improvements into versions equipped with a two-crew and one-crew auto-cannon turrets. Engineers have also experimented with various armor configurations for its chassis.

Previous VN12s in Zhuhai
It is worth noting that some engineers have long been trying to equip the VN12 with a larger caliber weapon.They mounted a 105mm turret on top of it and added grill armor to the grill chassis to create a light tank/tracked assault vehicle. However, despite the many different modifications the VN12 has so far not received orders from other countries.
In April 2024, a leaked image of an improved ZBD04A equipped with a new 105mm turret appeared on the web, with speculation that it was a lighter-than-ZTQ15 light tank being tested by the PLA. This was also the first time the VN12A’s current turret appeared on the web.
An improved version of ZBD04A
At the Zhuhai Airshow in 2024, a light tank on a modified VN12 chassis was demonstrated alongside the VT4 and VT5 in a tracked vehicle dynamic demonstration. In this process it demonstrated good maneuverability.
We can observe that the chassis of this vehicle has changed a lot compared to the VN12 in the past, and the turret it uses is the one in the previous leaked photo. As a result, there was a lot of speculation about this vehicle on the internet, with some even incorrectly referring to it as the “VT8”. It wasn’t until the official announcement of the name that it was recognized as an improved version of the VN12.
According to a live commentary, this vehicle is meant to be a lighter, cheaper light tank for those who can’t afford the VT5, while at the same time improving the old chassis with modern technology to increase its combat capability.
In War Thunder
The Chinese tech tree has been lacking in tracked light tanks, and aside from the ever-popular ZTQ15 and ZTQ62A, this distinctive vehicle could be an addition to the Chinese tech tree’s tracked light tanks, playing a similar role to the CV90105 and TAM in the game. One of them can be used as a Premium vehicle if it appears in the game at the same time as the VN12-105.
In addition to this, Chinese light tanks with front engines and 105mm guns include the ST2, ZSD85-105 and VN12-105. Myanmar’s MMT-40 can also be added to the game as a special vehicle. None of them are currently in the game. I believe the addition of these vehicles will change China’s lack of tracked light tanks.
Crew: 4
Mass: 24 t
Length: 7.5 m
Width: 3.3 m
Height: 2.95 m
Main armament: 105 cannon
Secondary armament: 1x 7.62mm machine gun, and 1x 12.7mm machine gun
Engine: 600 hp 440kw
Maximum speed: 70 km/h
81mm Smoke Grenade Launchers
Laser Rangefinder
Two-way Stabilizer