Vidar armour Bug

So I got Trolled by a Vidar the other day in my T92 using Heat FS at about 800M with 254mm pen, I bounced twice of the front upper glacis with 0 damage. Naturally I was a tad irate so went and had a look at the armour profile…i could pen everywhere at choice against 45mm…but thennnnnn…well I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves…but this can’t be right can it?

That is not a bug. Probably
You are hitting the extreme border of a protruding piece of armour. Between the impact point and the next piece of armour (the actual gun mount), there is around 5–10 cm of space.
Which makes this an instance of spaced armour.
If you change to a non-chemical warhead, you will see that it has no issue at this specific point.

I find it amazing that you managed to twice trigger this literal 1-4 pixel-wide space at the correct trigger your HEAT shell and the Spaced armour effect.

In honesty I’m not exactly certain that’s what happened, I was just bemused at how two rounds had no pen and went looking, i just happened to find this point whilst analysing the armour layout. Thanks for the info I’ll give it a look with non chemical and see.

You are trying to shoot down the length of a plate of steel edge-on, opening it up all the way like a can opener, instead of punching a small hole through it.

It’s like someone hands you a 2x4 and asks you to break it in half and you kick the end grain trying to split it into two 1x4s…
