Vehicle inmediately activated?

if i believe this image, the 234/4 isnt inmediately activated. yet it was inmediately activated for me. i didnt got a coupon, and i couldnt sell it. it was unlocked inmediately.

why gaijin?


@Stona_WT hopefully this ping won’t bother you too much, but could we have some clarification on this subject and if it’s an ongoing issue?

You never got coupons from SL crates.
You never will get coupons from SL crates.
And players SHOULD NEVER get coupons from SL crates.

It is and always will be activation on receiving.
They have specified this forever.

This means that while the coupon or vehicle is added to your account immediately in whatever form you get it, the vehicles you can get as coupons OR immediately activated, unless it is specified that they are Immediate activation only. What @AlvisWisla has said is incorrect.


you cant get them as coupons from SL crates only from the ones where a key cost 2.49

again, it says this here:[Special] The Travel Suitcase! - News - War Thunder

I believe T3ddy4 is right. The important word in “immediately activated on the account only” is the word “only”. That suggests that said vehicle cannot be received as a coupon, while the other vehicles can be either immediately activated or coupons…

You can get coupons from these loot boxes sometimes, but in most cases the vehicle will be activated straight to the account. Last spring I got the Tiger Animal coupon, but that was the only time.

Because you already had it, it gives you like 1mil sl then counts it as “redeemed”.

I got a leo last year and that is what happened.

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You can get coupons from SL crates. Both can happen, either vehicles in the form of a coupon or vehicles that are automatically added to your account, if you own these last ones you will get SL instead. The coupons show the vehicle picture and have a border line according to it’s rarity, the vehicles that are automatically activated only show a chest with golden details.

Stop spreading lies.

You can get vehicle coupons from SL crates and you can either activate or sell them.

And you can get vehicles that are automatically activated in your account if you still don’t own them, if you do you will get 1M SL instead.

Ive gotten a handfull of coupons from the sl boxes. Hell I’ve already gotten a decal coupon from the current boxes

As someone posted prior, this one has some limited coupons available I wasn’t made aware of before their post.

It’s not “this one” that has some limited coupons, previous SL boxes also had them and I can prove it to you if you like. You even used the words “never”, “always” and “forever” to deny this, so you were completely wrong then and now.

You did not get coupon but vehicle (which is insta active on account or replaced with SL if you already got it).

Please do not create new threads to discuss SL crates. Please use official one.

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