VBCI Philoctetes (late): The VBCI & Jaguar crossover

Considering the cartridge length of 255mm and the picture below, i’d say the projectile in it’s entirety is at least 220mm. No idea for the rod itself though.


I can’t really tell the angle for the plate on the right, nor if it was anywhere near the max pen the round could achieve, bit it seems to be around 70mm thick if we consider the cartridge diameter of 65mm

Edit : now that i think about it, i remember CTA marketting their “>140mm @ 1500m” everywhere, and a 70mm thick plate angled at 60° would be just that.
This armor plate could be the demonstration of that claim.


Well, the entire projectile is around the length of the cartridge (that’s the point of telescopic), but the penetrator itself is shorter, since you have the fins, the tip… We found information on the ratio between the penetrator length and diameter, that’s how we inferred the penetrator’s length.


Awesome vehicle, I would love to see this at the top of the ATGM light tank line, especially before or after the EBRC Jaguar cause France needs more top-tier light tanks/IFVs!


finally got around to updating this suggestion, edited the last image and changed the title to signify that we’re looking at the late version of this vehicle. I believe the image and title should now all correspond with one another


Not a fan of modern prototype vichles. But since 2S38 was added, either add others or remove them all.