СССР, почему не РИ?|USSR, why not RI?

Всех приветствую, у меня появился вопрос
Почему Русская вкладка называется СССР если первые самолеты, танки и корабли появились во времена Российской Империи и технике с БР 1.0-2.0 они не уступают, а некоторые прототипы танков и для 3.0 годятся, а так же будем честны танк 1915 от танка 1925 ни чем не отличается, но почему то в игре это упорно игнорируют

Hello everyone, I have a question
Why is the Russian tab called the USSR if the first planes, tanks and ships appeared during the Russian Empire and they are not inferior to equipment with BR 1.0-2.0, and some tank prototypes are suitable for 3.0, and let’s be honest, the 1915 tank is no different from the 1925 tank is different, but for some reason the game stubbornly ignores it

I would hazard to guess it’s because the majority of the equipment is from the Soviet period.
Or because the first tech that was added to the game was Soviet.
Or because the focus of this game is on the WW2 period.

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the earliest tanks are not suitable for this game

this is why we don’t see WWI tanks like the MKIV

but in the game there is a “YAG-10 (29-K)” on BR 3.3, although it differs from the Imperial experimental Anti-aircraft armored car “Austin” only in that the second has a 57MM gun, while the first has 76MM, and in those passports it is also a little faster than YAG

Probably down to most of their machinery in game being of soviet origin, if we look back the oldest aircraft date back to the 1920’s which by than the soviets were in power while the tanks date to the 1930’s, the addition of Imperial Russian equipment is only a recent addition tbh.

Sure we’ve had a Svetlana class & Admiral Nakhimov class cruisers/ Derzky class destroyer since 2018 but those were in their soviet forms while the first as flagged Imperial Russian ship was added after 2.01 with the Fidonisy class destroyer, Sevastopol class, Imperatritsa Mariya class Dreadnoughts & Borodino class Battlecruiser (also the Pillau class cruiser if we count purchased but not delivered by German shipyards due to the First World War breaking out).

Even then much of what’s in game those machines weren’t technically built in specifically Russia but in soviet states, seems more fitting to call it the USSR even if the equipment was controlled by those in Moscow during the USSR period.

Ideally, you could add in a /RUS if needed next to USSR or call it CIS but that would mean the addition of post soviet states equipment being added & further diluting the USSR equipment.

My two cents at least from a random on the other side of the world.

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1935, Soviet vehicle.

It has no relation whatsoever to any Imperial Russian vehicle… The YaG-10 itself was built in 1931 with the 29K being produced in 1935.

It’s juvenile to insinuate they’re anywhere near similar, especially when the ONE similarity they have is being a gun truck.

perhaps due to the fact that I am using a translator, the meaning is lost, but I was talking about “Остин (зенитный бронеавтомобиль)” which can be considered an analogue of the YAG 10 but in the game “Остин (зенитный бронеавтомобиль)”
absent although he could easily fight with BR 2.3-3.0

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It may have been.

there is a problem

Austin armoured car ( anti aircraft modification) did not use Anti tank ammunition and was only one prototype

the only source I found that talked about this vehicle mentioned a steel cased HE(F) grenade and a shot round similar to shotgun ammunition