USSR Tech Tree State

The USSR tech-tree has significant weaknesses, and I will demonstrate why. The tech-tree is quite diverse but includes some of the weakest tanks. I will provide multiple examples ranging from BR 3.7 to 13.0, focusing mainly on ground vehicles since I don’t play much air.

Part One: BR Balance

At BR 4.7, the KV-1 Zis 5 has three weak spots, while the Germans, at only 0.3 BR higher, have tanks with a 145mm pen APHE round, 105mm all-around turret armor, additional turret armor, and a removed turret weak spot.

The T-34-85 D-5T is at BR 5.3, while the T-34-85 is at BR 5.7, despite only having ten more horsepower.

At BR 6.7, the IS-2 has a 20-second reload with a 230mm pen APHE round and five weak spots when firing from a 30-degree angle from the front:

  1. Commander’s cupola
  2. Turret sides
  3. Lower turret shot trap
  4. Upper angled front plate
  5. Lower plate

In contrast, the T-34 at the same BR can eliminate most frontal plate issues by angling, with only the machine gun weak spot remaining. It has a 15.8-second reload with a 120mm gun, a 303mm pen APCR shell, an APCBC shell with 283mm pen, and faster sabots. It is also more maneuverable.

The T-10M suffers at BR 8.3, equipped with APDS and HEATFS, while its best shell is APHE with 295mm pen and a top reload of 15 seconds. Its armor protects it from autocannon tanks but makes it slow.

The T-44, with mediocre armor, only performs well against players unfamiliar with its weak points. It suffers at BR 6.7 with 5.0-5.3 gun performance.

Part Two: “Undermined Vehicles”

The BT series could remove its tracks, making them faster. The BT-7M could reach 86 km/h without tracks. The BT-7 had a stabilized sight and night vision, which are not in the game, indicating some vehicles are underrepresented.

Why was the Object 292 added to the game without the T-80BV hull ERA? Gaijin could allow it to use the T-80BVM modifications since the exterior is the same.

Part Three: “Small Top Tier Line-up”

The Soviet line-up is very small, similar to the French and Israeli tech trees. Given this, the tech-tree should include a modernized version of the Object 292. It could be made without the T-80BVM electronics, but with ERA, as the exterior is the same as other T-80 platforms. It’s realistic enough for Gaijin standards since the E-100 received the Maus turret, which it never mounted, so why not?

Part Four: “Terrain Disadvantage”

All Soviet tanks have a lower plate weak spot, making them weaker in hilly terrain and less competitive. Most Soviet tanks feature a slow reverse gear, compounding the problem.

Btw, I am a USSR main.

My tank isnt op enough. Fix that


My T-10M is good.

APHE go boom.

If enemy to thicc for APHE, HEAT-FS go fvoosh.

If enemy thicc, and have composite/spaced armour, APDS make “bonk”.

If enemy to thin for all 3 type of shells, 2xKPVT go dakka-dakka.


Well adding BVM ERA to 292 would make it Obj. 640 aka Black Eagle IF you disregard the fact that its completely different tank since its a T-80U and not a B. The 152mm gun was not used on it though but the 2A46M-4 125mm. The only thing that IRL might get the revival of the 152mm long gun is Obj. 195 aka T-14 Armata.

Terrain disadvantage, well what do you want to do about it? Not really much you can.

The rest I wont comment on since I dont play low-ish tier

To start: The best BR’s of Soviets… 4.0, 5.3, 6.7, 7.7, 10.3, and 11.7. All as-good as the best of other tech trees.
4.0 USA, Sweden, France, China.
5.3 Britain and France.
6.7 USA, Germany, Britain, Japan, China, and France.
7.7 Britain, USA, France, Sweden, Italy, Israel.
10.3 Germany, Sweden, Britain, and China.
11.7: All others.


Now to address your points.
KV-1 Zis 5 is 4.7, which is due to its lower penning gun. A strong turret and hull, as strong as the KV-1C in Germany otherwise. It is correctly BR’d 0.3 below the KV-1C.

T-34-85 D-5T has a worse gun with worse ammunition.
6.7 has as many weakspots as other 6.7 heavy tanks. The exclusive heavy tank with effectively no weak spots is T26E5 for USA.

T34 for USA has less hull armor, and a weaker turret than IS-2.

T-10M at 8.3 has equivalents at 8.3 such as IS-7; I’d say Chieftain Mk3 but that’s 8.7 now. Probably due to the faster reload.
T-10M has access to APDS and HEATFS firing from a two-plane stabilized gun.

T-44 has superior armor to that of Panther 2, with a worse gun, while going as-fast.
T-44 is 6.7 and Panther 2 is 7.0; T-44 is balanced.

BT series tanks would run SLOWER off road without their tracks. Removable tracks was mostly for parades.

Object 292 didn’t use ERA IRL, thus cannot have them in War Thunder either. Asking for special treatment when Gaijin has rules they explicitly apply to everyone is silly.
E-100 was not added in the last 5 years as you falsely claim.

We know.

You have a significant lack of understanding of how these vehicles work or their actual stats. You made many mistakes describing these vehicles in the OP.

Russia is one of the STRONGEST nations in the game EASILY. It is a LAUGH to suggest they should be buffed in anyway currently.


Laughs in British

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KV-1C Gun is Close Perfonmance to the D-5T Which is at 5.3, KV-1C is OP and you can’t argue with that

A yes the one APCR Shell with 195mm of pen is worth 0,4 Br Change

The T-34 Armor Maybe be Weaker But i has Less Weak spots and it Also offer better Gun performance

The T-10M is Allot Worse the it. The IS-7 offers 313mm of in a APHE round, It has better Armor,More Machine guns, And Better Survivanilty There NOT HERE THE SAME.

The Panther offers Better Gun Perfonmance with it gun just look at the stats

I am Not Asking for Special treatment i ask for qual treatment by Gaijin Has added the E-100 and didn’t remove it, I propose a Fix for Top-tier USSR, And what if it was added later or Earlier does it Change the matter?

KV-1C is not anywhere close to OP. It’s slower than T-34s.
M6A1 with a better gun, a stabilizer, and as-good armor is 5.0.
KV-85 with a better gun than both KV-1C and M6A1 is 5.0.

Kv-1C is Slower than a T-34

What’s Next? Water is Wet? Maybe Air is Light? Bro what’s the first point ? You know the T-34 series was based of the Bt one?

The M6A1 with as-Good Armor? are you drunk? Are you trolling me? You can’t angle it you have around 60-100 flat plate armor on that thing it isn’t agled

The KV-85 has Nowhere near as good armor only a better Turret
Only 75 on the front and 60 on the side you can angle it and make it 105