The USSR tech-tree has significant weaknesses, and I will demonstrate why. The tech-tree is quite diverse but includes some of the weakest tanks. I will provide multiple examples ranging from BR 3.7 to 13.0, focusing mainly on ground vehicles since I don’t play much air.
Part One: BR Balance
At BR 4.7, the KV-1 Zis 5 has three weak spots, while the Germans, at only 0.3 BR higher, have tanks with a 145mm pen APHE round, 105mm all-around turret armor, additional turret armor, and a removed turret weak spot.
The T-34-85 D-5T is at BR 5.3, while the T-34-85 is at BR 5.7, despite only having ten more horsepower.
At BR 6.7, the IS-2 has a 20-second reload with a 230mm pen APHE round and five weak spots when firing from a 30-degree angle from the front:
- Commander’s cupola
- Turret sides
- Lower turret shot trap
- Upper angled front plate
- Lower plate
In contrast, the T-34 at the same BR can eliminate most frontal plate issues by angling, with only the machine gun weak spot remaining. It has a 15.8-second reload with a 120mm gun, a 303mm pen APCR shell, an APCBC shell with 283mm pen, and faster sabots. It is also more maneuverable.
The T-10M suffers at BR 8.3, equipped with APDS and HEATFS, while its best shell is APHE with 295mm pen and a top reload of 15 seconds. Its armor protects it from autocannon tanks but makes it slow.
The T-44, with mediocre armor, only performs well against players unfamiliar with its weak points. It suffers at BR 6.7 with 5.0-5.3 gun performance.
Part Two: “Undermined Vehicles”
The BT series could remove its tracks, making them faster. The BT-7M could reach 86 km/h without tracks. The BT-7 had a stabilized sight and night vision, which are not in the game, indicating some vehicles are underrepresented.
Why was the Object 292 added to the game without the T-80BV hull ERA? Gaijin could allow it to use the T-80BVM modifications since the exterior is the same.
Part Three: “Small Top Tier Line-up”
The Soviet line-up is very small, similar to the French and Israeli tech trees. Given this, the tech-tree should include a modernized version of the Object 292. It could be made without the T-80BVM electronics, but with ERA, as the exterior is the same as other T-80 platforms. It’s realistic enough for Gaijin standards since the E-100 received the Maus turret, which it never mounted, so why not?
Part Four: “Terrain Disadvantage”
All Soviet tanks have a lower plate weak spot, making them weaker in hilly terrain and less competitive. Most Soviet tanks feature a slow reverse gear, compounding the problem.
Btw, I am a USSR main.