Well, all helicopters are useful when no SPAA is up, and only the SPIKE helicopters are usable on most maps when SPAA is up.
Of course when no SPAA is up Rooivalk is the best helicopter in the game.
Also Apache has the best helicopter gun in the game…
Bit disingenuous, all fuel tanks at top tier are able to absorb rounds, just like any other. T series can explode as well. They absorb shots probably as often as explode for me. Most all my OHKO on t series are ammo dets or ufp shots killing 2 crew.
So anecdotally, it’s not a good thing to go off of.
Same with reverse speed. If you’re full on reversing out of there trying to escape, yeah it loses a lot. But for hull down or corner peaking shots, the 11kph is huge in practical terms. The 4kph is abysmal and why I always chose the t80’s for my lineup from what I have.
For quick shooting it works just about the same as it would for my Abrams when I played it. I don’t tend to expose myself enough to need it to go full tilt for more than 1 second or so. Not to mention the gun traverse is pretty great on the Bvm and t90m.
These tanks are contemporaries of each other in game and they’re pretty tradable between the other depending on what you value.
It’s never easy to fight while being outnumbered, which is why I encourage people to spawn more air, especially when their multi role fighters are much better than Su-34 for air combat.
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all you need to do is being annoying and dive down every time they shoot at you.That gives their positions away and gives your cas a much easier time to target them or anything else. and even if spaa is up. Good luck dealing with the pars or spike spam from 1 or two experted tigers (that can rearm in 12 seconds only 4 km away from you) from different angles even when ur in a pantsir. You wont get anything else done while they are around or god forbid - moving away from helipad and hiding in an angle where you cant target them
Have you seen the drop and velocity of that gun? that thing wont hit a floatplane as long as its slightly maneuvering.
The stealth belt tiger 2 HAD gun though? that thing will. Even if they think they dont get shot at. While having 16 g mistrals with 6 km range. The apache, unfortunately is a turd
I see you use the Tiger a lot. Do you just stay at your helipad constantly slinging off FnFs and reloading?
Because it is not , it had the 6th best Tanks and worst air in the Game
I use them from time to time, especially with france since imo its the best heli and i dont have top tier planes with france and russia yet.
No, i would definitely advise against always staying at the helipad for numerous obvious reasons: Dont be found, attack from where they dont expect you, vs russia, germany and sweden 4 km gives you very little time to react to sams. But when I’m spawning i like to try and get one salvo off from the forward helipad to get enemy numbers down (easily possible in the UHT and HAD 2 if played carefully without dying) and sort of limit enemy movement in open ground (slowing down their advance). OFC depens on enemy planes.
After that (and rearming) and enemies knowing theres an heli up i would move back or perpendicular from forward helipad to have more time to react, reassess situation with spaa and enemy air and pop up at unexpected locations. But i would advise for that with any nation’s top tier helis, quite similar tactics necessary unless with apaches u can basically never attack when theres spaa up unless you have a nice position and have mastered the pop up to give terminal guidance to hellfires in iog technique.
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seems to me that most matches are in large parts decided by just overwhelming the enemies by just saturating them with threats they just cant deal with all at once. makes for very fast paced gameplay and a lot of times just feeling completely helpless vs multiple threats so a lot of players not that experienced will get annoyed fast (which is understandable and maybe a bit of a shame-hopefully future spaa additions will turn top tier back into a bit more chill and stategic gamemode and not bumrush simulator) because you can’t keep an eye on everything. so your team gains ground while the enemies lose players. definitely not fun if you’re on the receiving end but that’s top tier. and the UHT and HAD2 are good at just oversaturating the battlefield
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I’d imagine so, it’s what everyone does and it’s the most META use of the heli. There’s no reason to play it any other way.
As long as theres no capable SPAA or planes going for helis up it is the most effective way especially with how unreliable spikes and pars are even with clear hits on static targets, the pantsir easily shooting down 75% of your ammunition while sometimes surviving 3 or 4, hell even a whole salvo and threatening every allied plane or heli.
Enemy cas certainly doesn’t care about flying around idling and not wiping the whole battlefield straight from airspawn.
Why not playing it in a way that I’m trying to be effective and give my team the advantage, everyone can chose otherwise if he/she wants.
If matches wouldn’t be over through ticket drain in 2 minutes with enemies having all 3 caps and half your team left 5 minutes in, with helipads further out and planes starting from airfield there would be less spamming and even if i wish it were different, that’s the way it is atm
IF you dont know the differences between those planes then there is nothing to discuss.
Its the best helicopter in terms of dealing with both and air ground units, only reedeming factor about those helis you mentioned are spike missiles which are not even consistent to deal with enemy armor units.
You’re not the only one who plays with those vehicles.
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An heres me thinking it was obvious that that was a rhetorical question. While the su-34 might arguably have better a2g agms all the other ones (actually wanted to say Rafale but add the new mirage to that) have capable and same amount BUT actually are good air to air fighters as well? So i don’t really see why the SU-34 alone is the big no go suddenly?
Apart from as i said before the off balance that is the pantsir, unfortunately, which is basically the only vehicle which is more or less capable so self defend against long range air attacks
Because it is
It’s just completely outshone by the Su-34 and Su-25SM3 prior to that in CAS cheese
They’re “equal” in the sense Spikes and PARS can give these Heils a fighting chance against Vikhrs while theoretically spamming missiles and rearming fast against ground targets.
The reality is the Vikhr is far more consistent as an Anti-tank missile at doing damage, can actually guide reasonably well through foliage and smoke, guiding it yourself means you can prioritise things that aren’t tank wrecks, significantly faster while also longer range and Spike/PARS carriers won’t even get close enough without spawn laming to a Ka-52/Mi-28NM if they switch the on board radar to 12km A2A.
While you’re having to expose yourself the whole time to enemy spaa and the vikhrs starting to wobble like crazy past 6 km (which they probably should do more in comparison to irl, who knows)
Im not saying that they are weak at all, but it should come to no surprise that they as well as (almost) every vehicle in the game have weaknesses in which other vehicles shine?
You wont even believe the amount of ka50s and ka52s i slapped in the uht or the had2, sometimes shutting down their whole heli fleet just by being in a position they don’t expect me in. While a good ka52 player can do the same id say it is not at all easier if even harder for them to do so
Above 4km hellfires just stop existing and take hours to reach the target, be grateful.
was talking about the vikhrs to hit moving targets. The hellfires are a pain i know that. no proper lofting, IOG guiding them to narnia, timer not reliable so if u dont pop out on the second or theres any small thing that sometimes doesnt even render in the way they just piss off and decide to hit 10 m left of the laser. they are basically unusable vs helis and moving targets as long as you cant keep a lock
Can’t say I’ve had any problems tracking ground targets and Helicopters and getting direct hits way beyond that.
the 1 instance of fighting multiple anti-airs? I suppose the Z-10 is good at popping planes within 6km, I’m not going to start saying it’s a better Heli than the Ka-52 just because of that.
Given the average Ka-50/52 player I can easily believe it, that doesn’t make the Tigers the better Heli over 52/28NM.
Vikhrs can be used to kill Jets and tanks and guided against helicopters that are camping in their spawn, so basically a multirole Missile, i just don’t know how people say Muh Russia is not worth it, literally the second best nation in the game.
Or generally fighting more than one enemy. Or an aa in a good position that knows what hes doing. So for me it is. by far. But maybe that’s also an opinion or playstyle matter. Besides that theres no point in arguing about personal opinions so i leave it like that