USS Tennessee (BB-43): Smooth & Sweet

Lists don’t show every vehicle of the update

Scharnhorst is very competitive with other vessels in the current Naval meta.

Tennessee is not going to redefine the meta just because it’s in a WW2 fit.


Most nations don’t really have a counter for the scharnhorst yet. It’s only in the past few months that others have caught up a bit.

France, Italy and Britain need better top tier BCs or BBs before Germany can get anything “better” than scharnhorst. Bismark right now would take us immediately back to 2 years ago when the scharnhorst was added and top tier naval was unplayable for every other nation.


Bismarck should have been added before Mutsu lol. It will be the weakest BB anyway. Same for Littorios, and Richelieu,add them now so they might have chance to be competetive vs Kron. I swear they gonna add it alongside Yamato and Iowa when its gonna be DoA.

It’s not like Kronstadt is going to become more powerful as time goes on though.

Bismarck’s advantage will be its combination of durability and mobility. Iowa will be faster but not as well-armored. Yamato will be tougher and more heavily armed but slower. Honestly, it’s the same advantages that Scharnhorst has right now, fast enough to outrun anything that can kill it.

I agree that the priority should be getting every nation up to a solid interwar standard for battleships. Honestly Bismarck is not that far out of reach of the current meta and we know Tirpitz has been in the files for quite some time. But I’m in agreement with @Morvran that it’s Italy, France, and Britain that need newer, more powerful ships first.


yoo tennessee

Another slow-reloading US 14" standard type, while Japan is getting a second 16"-armed BB and Britain is getting 15"-armed warspite which both reload far faster?

C’mon Gaijin, at least throw us the bone of South Dakota (BB-49)…
Hull mostly built, so more complete than Kronny!

What is the reload time on the US 14" guns?

40 seconds with max crew.
Meanwhile, Mutsu has a 24 second max crew reload, and Renown a 25 second one, almost HALF the time with larger guns…

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NOW THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKIN ABOUT!!! Love this thing!

The USS New Jersey, and the USS California should be added in the future as well.

Personally SoDak no because then the other, completed, SoDak would be named weird probably. If they’re going to keep the US ships with long reloads like current what they really need to do is increase the map size so that the comparatively fast fire rate of the other ships isn’t as big of an issue


I mean, it really wouldn’t have to be named weirdly.

They could either go the USS South Dakota (1920) and USS South Dakota (1939) route, which would be perfectly fine…
Or name her for one of the incomplete 1920s Sodak class, like Indiana.

Yeah but since no other ship has a name like that (in the tech tree name, not the full statcard name) it would just look weird. Somewhat like this
They could have just put JDS Harukaze and been done with it but they also added DD-101, which looks very out of place considering no other ship has that little thing in their name. Not even American ones, and they are all called DD-###.

I personally would go for South Dakota I or something. Idk, its just a naming thing that drives me mad in naval sometimes lmao

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well wouldnt iowa (or any other iowa-class ship) as the last american battleship be a better queen of the line

Honestly, this should be a neat addition, that said it’s a shame Gaijin seems to be sticking with the ahistorical USN reload rates.

TFW the base reload should be at maximum 30 seconds (Texas meanwhile somehow managed to sustain 27 seconds per salvo at Normandy)

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When bug reports were made, Gaijin claimed that “such rates of fire were only possible through firing cycle safety protocol violations”.

So we are stuck at having the slowest reloads in the game for being “the realistic ones” while everyone else gets their highest theorical ones :/

Even 35 seconds would still be slower but at least bearable, while still authentic… but nope, 40 aced it must be.

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Navweps says the best reload of the Starndards 14" is 34-35 seconds. Yet for some reason Gaijin keeps picking the slowest value and picking the fastest for almost everyone else.


Im pretty sure gaijin uses the realistic fire rate on italian guns instead of the highest theorical ones too

All Rank 6 ships (and HMS Renown) With aced crews


HMS Hood is 30 second (8 round salvo)
HMS Renown is 30 second (6 round salvo) Actually a rank 5
HMS Marlborough is 30 second (10 round salvo)


USS Arizona is 30 second (12 round salvo)
USS Texas is 30 second (10 round salvo)
USS Nevada is 30 second (10 round salvo)
USS Alaska is 20 second (9 round salvo)


SMS Scharnhorst is 20 seconds (9 round salvo)
SMS Sachsen is 30 seconds (8 round salvo)
SMS Bayern is 30 second (8 round salvo)


Kronshtadt is 20 seconds (9 round salvo)
Novorossiysk is 30 seconds (10 round salvo)
Parizhskaya Kommuna is 30 second (12 round salvo)


IJN Mutsu is 20 second (8 round salvo)
IJN Ise is 30 second (12 round salvo)
IJN Fuso is 30 second (12 round salvo)
IJN Hyuga is 30 second (12 round Salvo)
IJN Kongo is 30 second (8 round salvo)


RN Conte Di Cavour is 30 second (8 round salvo)
RN Duilio is 30 second (10 round salvo)


Lorraine is 30 second (8 round salvo)
Bretagne is 30 second (10 round salvo)

So not sure where you got your numbers from, but with the exception of Japan having 20 second reloads for their 16inch guns. Everything looks fairly balanced for reload times.

Id assume Tennessee will have 20 or 30 second reload times and Warspite would have 30 second reload

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