USS Tennessee (BB-43): Smooth & Sweet

As I mentioned in my post “And let’s not quot on the Scharn…it’s a Battlecruiser…”
The problem is that besides the Schanr there is nothing for Germany in 7.0 that is WWII… while every other nation already got more modernized or entirely WWII stuff in BR 7.0

Like what is the problem with this??? More than capable of dealing with Scharn. Not to mention it have way better firepower.
OR here is the USA
All of these are modernized Battleships more than capable…

So we have 1x BC, that due to very very recent changes to shells can kill a scharnhorst, providing we are lucky enough for the shell to land in the right place, assuming of course the scharnhorst hasn’t taken you out by the time we’ve landed said shot.

But because we have 1x inter-war BC that we got 2+ years ago we shouldn’t get a single WW2 refit BB/BC like HMS QE or a WW2 BB like HMS KGV until after germany gets Bismark or Tirpitz despite the fact that Scharnhorst is still the strongest top tier ship in naval?


Every source I can find says the US standards have a 40sec reload with an aced crew. Are you absolutely sure it’s 30?

That is what it says in-game, when you hover over the gun in the x-ray. 2/min with ace

I play U.S top tier and I have a 43 second reload at full+expert, and the crew window indeed says it’s 40 for aced.

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Dang, compared to the Mutsu’s reload that’s just criminal (for flat-out worse guns in most cases too)

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So? The tooltip in the hanger is wrong?

It would appear so! Use the crew tab to watch real time accurate reloads.

Many of your listed reloads are wrong, beyond the American ones.

Scharnhorst’s is 17.2, not 20, for example.

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Then Gaijin needs to totally overhaul their tool tips. Every number I pulled from them. Though the scharnhorst might be them rounding. It’s said 3/min so I took that as 20 seconds. But 17 second reload is still 3/min

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I can also confirm, looking at Mississippi’s guns lists off 2rounds/min aced but looking at the crew tab says 40 seconds aced.

Seems like Gaijin would do better off measuring larger Bluewater gun RPM in seconds to reload, rather than rounds per minute…

Hell, it’d be nice having better stats for that sort of thing in general. I shouldn’t have to look at the wiki to figure out velocities/rates of fire for certain guns/belts because they arbitrarily don’t have them listed…

Probably. But that rounding doesn’t explain the US guns. It only works when the RPM is slightly faster

But see;

In a, say, Nevada vs Mutsu engagement, Nevada fires every 40 seconds, while Mutsu fires every 25 seconds.

That means Mutsu can fire almost 2 salvos before Nevada can reload… while having significantly bigger and more powerful guns that fire significantly bigger and heavier shells with significantly more penetration power and explosive charge.

See why it is so frustrating to play American Top Tier? They got light explosive charges in low caliber guns, which, yet, have a nearly twice as slow reload compared to the ships with best guns. And, on top of that, their barbettes are essentially one-hit death weakspots.

That’s one of the reasons why I hope Tennessee will make things a little better; at least it has higher penetration and better protection and survivability, so it may be a little more balanced.

But as of now, the state of Top Tier U.S is miserable.

Because Gaijin gives everyone their ideal theoretical highest rates of fire, while they only give U.S the “realistic average” value instead. If they have U.S a reload based on the same criteria as everyone else, it should have, at very least, a 35 second reload.


I figured reload rates were totally arbitrary balancing thing that didn’t have anything to do with shell size, etc.

Shell calibre is balanced via accuracy…which is why hood misses most shells (but I don’t know what the accuracy is like for Mutsu)

My general experience fighting US BBs is they take no damage from me and by the time I’ve landed a handful shells (due to shell dispersal) I’ve lost most of my crew from the full salvos I’ve taken. I’d quite happily have a 1 minute reload time in the hood if it meant that most of the salvo would land where I aimed it.

There are actually two… Ohh right Gaijin and it’s batshlt event walls!
But don’t worry I know you can’t be convinced no matter what…
Have you even looked on the US tech tree? It’s full of modernized stuff!

I have every standard battleship spaded and aced and their max reload is 40s. Also since you unlikely check bug reports regularly, you wouldn’t know that all bug reports suggesting any reload speed faster than 40s has been declined so far.

Have you even played the top tier ship battle? None of the full of modernised stuff on US tech tree can beat the Scharnhorst!

I am amused by how people can judge the performance of ships by year of configuration rather than actual stats of the ship. If that’s true, Renown should be better than Hood and Kongo should be better than Mutsu.


That is a recent bug

The ships come in generations. There’s WW1 era, Interwar era, and WW2 era.

Germany has its WW1 era top of the line 7.0’s, and then has nothing in the interwar era. So you will just have to wait, like everybody else is waiting for a Scharnhorst equivalent. And yes we should mention Scharnhorst, because she is worth 3 of any other ship at top tier.


My assumption is that it is Gaijin accounting for elevation angles. For example, the fastest reload Nagato’s ever had was 21.5 seconds, this is 25 seconds in game likely because the guns were reloaded at low elevation angles (according to Navyweps sub 3 degrees elevation), so my guess is Gaijin has nerfed it to account for higher angles of elevation.

For the Americans I’m assuming Gaijin took a low elevation angle as 35 seconds and then made it 40 seconds to account for all elevation angles?

This is just a theory I have no idea if thats the reason why.

end of the line (for now), probably should have specified that