USS Tennessee (BB-43): Smooth & Sweet

The only fix I see is changing BRs of aircrafts and decompressing whole trees a little, 7.7-8.0. Aside of that the mode is generally very good.

Turning it into EC as some propose would most definitely kill it as seen by EC player amount

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whats annoying is that Its a roll of the dice. Even when the greatest care, shells can miss even with perfect aim. Especially at longer distances. That is where ships like Hood and Renown just fail.

Also any news on Renowns Draft being fixed?

Probably not this. It leads to things like my Marder III (H) getting 5 kills at 8.7 and being moved up despite it not being that good.

It’s more of a balance between the two.

Decompression is always good.

You need to do both. One can’t exist without the other. All devoted players were casual at one point.

Brits would be still stuck with ww1 bbs if 380 accuracy was on point. It is for balance

Decompress would help, but I also want to see them redesign maps (at least how spawn points are laid out) and then to add some more features. Like naval radars. After that, its just balancing stuff. Like fixing bug reports, overhauling shell dispersal balancing, etc etc.

Whilst I agree NRB shouldnt be NEC. I do think NRB maps could do with being about 10-20% bigger

There is balance and then there is having multiple salvos in a row miss because your shells landed on either side of the target, whilst the thing you are firing at has landed every single shell. Its tuned up way too far


Although I’m not saying I’m happy with but I can kind of understand the artificial nerf of accuracy for now. After fragmentation change, the British 15" is absolutely a havoc if it hits and penetrates anything.

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They just need to make it so that 1-3 rounds per salvo were actually accurate and the rest random. Nothing is more annoying than having every shell land either side of the target

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I dont mean when people like myself take an FV4005 to top tier, godmode hunters are a clear outlier to not be considered. but only take the winrates from the top 50% of players to filter out the really crappy players, it will fix a lot of the lower BR brackets where tanks like the SAV and pz4 completely dominate as soon as the player has more than a amoeba for a brain.

by casuals I meant the players that only boot the game up once a week for one or two games, consistent players deserve a bigger voice because they are the ones that know the ins and outs of the game

Oh there are boats in this game??? LOL

Considering that Germany only has a couple BBs left to be added it will probably stay un-foldered to keep the tech tree full.

That will complicate the system.

Top 50 percent of players isn’t really going to change anything. The players who never learn or get better won’t get high enough in BR to make a difference. On top of that, the top 50 percent won’t change much either. Unless you hit the top 20 or 30 percent, you’re still in the average.

There’s very little difference between the Panzer IV G and H. Having the Panzer IV series go up isn’t a good fix since they’re not that good. An M4 Sherman and T-34 dominate them all day every day. The Panzer IV is just good at sniping and that’s it.

As for the SAV, I’ve hardly found it a problem except during sales when it gets spammed. If it is overpowered, they can simply tweak the BR a bit.

Yes, but at one point, even I was one of those casuals. It took me till 2019 to even get into the game fully when I’d been playing it before tanks were added. No one suddenly decides to no life this game overnight upon their first playthrough. I’m nearly at 7000 hours and I would have never comprehended I’d do this back in 2017. It all started with wanting an ARL-44.

I do agree, but casual players don’t complain much comparatively. They don’t play the game enough to understand what is and isn’t fair.

Bugs and map problems are in every gamemode.

Generally I see only few maps in need of adjustments, rest is fine. We need both smaller and larger maps aa there are people liking both scenarios and the balance on higher tiers between them is decent. On smaller tiers large maps dont make sense as they unnecesserly prolong the time for players to reach effective combat range

I rarely ever miss entire salvo due to dispersion. Some shells surely sometimes miss but salvos are still effective. Is there any RB dispension that is higher than AB?

No idea, but in something like the hood, brawling a BB past about 11/12km is pointless to even try, anything smaller than that is more like 9/10km as most of every salvo will miss and hitting a weakspot is total luck

Unless it’s the British Revenge class that was loaned to them, hopefully never.

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German WWII Battleship when? We nonstop see other nations with modernized battleships but Germans literally in the pits with only WWI battleship!
And let’s not quot on the Scharn…it’s a Battlecruiser…

What is the only German WW2 Battleship? Bismarck or Tirpitz

Ahhh yes lets add WW2 ships before most nations have their WW1 ships…

We are still missing, QE and R class, Normandie class (Lyon also but never built), Francesco Caracciolo also.

A WW1 ship with WW2 AA is still not equal to a WW2 ship, hence why we don’t have them in-game yet.

You will take your absolutely dumb and broken Scharnhorst and your above average Bayerns and enjoy them.

(Sorry if this comes off aggressive, but we are so far off Bismarck you might as well consider it a fever dream)

USA tech tree no new battleship top tier for 4 years. now it’s time

Sadly, I not play ship 2 years

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Dude they already have WWII modernized ships! Than why don’t we stop adding modernized variants all together so other nations don’t get an unfair advantage over other nations?