USS Tennessee (BB-43): Smooth & Sweet

I haven’t seen a single standard battleship survive a well placed salvo into the barbette for a while lol


im surprised Britain isnt the strongest naval nation seeing as we are the the former ruler of the waves

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no. its russia now. /s


Oh… x2

Oh… x3 xD

I guess I did well by jumping into the Germany ship, hahah.

About to get Scharnhorst, but I won’t purchase it in order to keep the new nation bonus. Instead, I will grind the Bayerns too, since Bismarck will likely come after them.

I don’t know why Sachsen is not foldered with Bayern though. It’s the exact same ship but with two more 88s… it should 100% be in a folder!

Wait… What? The RP bonus stops when you get any top tier in that tree?

Guess what, Scharnhorst is also a main victim of the bugs and features I mentioned above :)

Because her magazine is located immediately below the barbette, penetration of the barbette can harm her magazine too. She’s not as easy to explode as US battleships tho, but she’s really not difficult to kill right now, especially for shells with large explosive filler like the British 15"

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is the patch really so lame that the devblog vehicles nothing but garbage?

Why are they adding this? It’s basically copy of New Mexico class. Naval needs a new generation, not the same copy paste stuff for 3-4 years.

what russian navy?

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My experiences shooting at Scharnhorsts so far is:

50% of the times: they withstand 400x 380mm shells

50% of the times: they die in a single shot xD

And same goes for American BBs, it’s very inconsistent. Sometimes I survive several hundred shots in Nevada, but sometimes I also just blow up to some 127mm HE.

‘fleet in dreams’


So much potential. So little achieved.

Naval could be so much more.


Oh yeah spading mutsu rn and scharns can be easily popped even with a single salvo. Not like Im gonna complain tho :))

its sad that world of warships offers a significantly better ship game when wargaming hasn’t done anything of quality (or any real updates to any of their games) in almost a decade


Agreed. There’s a lot of potential here that isn’t being realized.

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Naval is in a catch 22.

They need to invest some serious time, effort and money into overhauling aspects of it and generally fixing the gamemode. That way more people would start to play it.

But, until more people start to play it, they have no insentive to invest any time, effort or money into it and thus we are left with a bit of a dodgy gamemode that doesnt get anywhere near enough TLC

There’s a lot they need to invest time into, but the only way it can happen is if they invest in more staff to do it. They’re already stretched too thin with Air and Ground for 10 nations.

Yeah just had a battle in Renown where I ammoracked a dude’s Scharnhorst twice as well his revenging Sachsen. Amusingly it took me more efforts to kill his Sachsen than Scharnhorsts :D


all of war thunder has so so so much potential to be more than any military game ever made before, all it needs is a few tweaks and its double as good. BR based more on better players performances than all players, more BR tiers to decompress and maybe, just maybe, listen to the more devoted players over casuals

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its like arcade assault but as a third of the game kind of neglected