Why did the USS Douglas (PG-100) in arcade mode have unlimited missile resupply cut off and only two charges were left with the possibility of further resupply at the point?
Because you can only really play the Dougass by sitting back and sniping ammo racks and planes with it, so they probably wanted to increase the death rate, forcing you to come to caps, because it’s not selling well and the new soviet or whatever premium coastal/etc needs feeding.
I feel very sorry for the players who don’t know how to dodge the SAMs in their WW2 planes. I used to take great pleasure taking Dougass out when it was around. I don’t play Coastal anymore it’s just neglected and 8/10 maps are terrible single spawn-spawn campfests for coastal.
They cut off the original arcade mode capabilities of premium vehicles, i.e. those for which players donated real money, and now this vehicle (intentionally or by mistake) is finally being turned into a pumpkin. This is, of course, very offensive and extremely short-sighted for future sales of premium vehicles, the purchase of which becomes a dubious pleasure, not to mention fairness towards people buying premium vehicles.
Missiles reloads have been bought in to line with guns. You have your ready and reseve ammo and are then required to get to a cap for more.
It forces players to actually take part in the Battle and not sit at the edge of map almost undetectable and unhittable simply spamming missiles thinking they are somehow contributing, but often just leaving the team a man down.
Don’t be surprised if torpedos, mortars and depth charges follow the same pattern in later updates which will nerf ships like Shimakaze and RB6000 lobbers.
Call me when its missiles are accurately modelled as ARMs, not ATGMs. Until then it’s still a P2W fantasy boat, currently a rival with the R2Y2s for most unrealistic vehicle left in the game. At least the R2Y2s you can’t buy imaginary, you have to earn it in tech tree.
People say things like the Kronstadt are worse, but at least Kronstadt’s keel was actually laid down whereas a Douglas with a SAM capability did not and could not ever have existed as portrayed and using it to down the WW2 props at its BR is just paying for a fantasy advantage. It is naval’s Tiger 2 (105).
It is interesting that the developers did not mention this nerf anywhere in the descriptions of the updates. Let’s hope that this was a mistake, a bug, a misunderstanding and charging in arcade mode for Douglas will be returned to the same thing place.
There was a recent datamine for a change 2>4 missiles which seemed a bit odd. If they removed the non-cap reload at the same time it either didn’t show up or was done seperately.
I hate the way Gaijin implemented Douglas as she couldn’t direct the missiles after launch and her saclos system is nonsense, basically it’s capabilities are a lie and come across as a money grab. It’s also a lazy way to play as the vast majority simply sit back.
Tbh the changes are logical, but to implement without an official changlog mention (that I could find) is typical of the way Gaijin treats naval as a second rate unwanted step child.
Whether you like the work or not is another question and a matter of taste for each user.
You purchase the product, agreeing in advance that in the future it can be greatly changed, even if you won’t like it.
I experienced this recently with the last BP, the French AMX-50 TO90/930. They put the BR of it up to 8.0, where you permanently face 8.7 Stabilised, composite, ERA, lRF 80s T-55s in your 200mm 4s reload APHE 50s tank where you can do absolutely nothing to it except for 2 small spots side on.
Meanwhile the superior Somua SM sits still at 7.7 which is still sold cough cough :)
Lets just say to avoid getting ‘hit’, I got the message loud and clear from Gaijin this time and I don’t reward anti-consumer behavior.
Totally agree with this I will no longer be purchasing anything premium in protest. Gaijin has had its last dip into my wallet.