USA stop being targets practice

its much weaker than the Su-34 and Rafale and its massively nerfed with ahistorical loadout.

  • Missing A2G radar mode
  • Missing a number of GBU options
  • Never used Brimstone 1s only 2s and later (Can still be SAL For now)
  • Missing FnF Brimstones (of course needs quantity mitigation but there are better solutions than the “SAL ONLY” nerfs we have)

It needs buffs and is actually the 4th strongest CAS at the moment

If you actually know how to do cas at top tier it is the best by far. Brimstones kill in one hit, pull extremely hard, you have either 18 or 12-15 of them depending on if you want to run a gbu or two, and you can deal with spaa with pretty much zero risk to yourself. I am curious, why do you think the su34 and rafale are better?

What did I wake up to :sob: this is a gold mine.

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ahhhh Wait i remember you . youre the dude with barely any top tier are you not.

Not even touched an F15, 16 , 14, rafale, gripen etc.

hell your highest BR cas is an F5E mate.

Because the brimstones are artificially nerfed.
Fly for only 60 seconds.
Are about the same speed as hellfires thus putting you within SPAA range which have faster missiles.

you can only guide them to one point.

F15E, Rafale and Su34 can lock all 6 missiles to different targets and sling away

the Su-30SM is coming in game which is gonna be pretty nice, giving russia a better radar, but sadly it only has the AL-31FP which is just a thrust vectoring model of the AL-31Fs so there wont be any additional thrist sadly :(


Brimstones dont always kill in 1 hit as they have one of the smallest warheads out of all the AGMs. Can quite often take 2. They dont pull any harder than any other AGM and probably pull way less than the KH-38. So what you can carry loads. Id still rather have 6x FnF Brimstone 2s and 4x PW4s than 18x SAL Brimstone 1s.

SU-34 and Rafale can fire off a volley of 6x FnF AGMs well outside of range of any SPAA and then turn cold to rearm. Typhoon has to do a complicated dance all the while sat well within range of any SPAA and can only engage 1 target at a time except with GPS guided weapons, which are easily defeated by just moving.

The Typhoon is massively underpeforming interms of CAS and its unfair it and it alone is ahistorically nerfed to such a degree. I dont see the SU-34 limited to laser guided KH-29s for examples. They have 6x KH-38s which are insanely OP

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Hmmm never said I used them on this account have I? On your point of “within spaa range” learn to use the mechanics that are in game, specifically the point of attention option that was recently introduced to mark the map for yourself and deal with spaa without any danger to yourself. If you want to, I can give you a video explaining how to do it.

So you just admitted on the forum to breaching ToS ? or what?

I know fine well how to avoid SPAA i use an F15A with GBUs and A10 as cas in the US tree as im working on getting the 15E .

You also really dont understand the difference in a fire and forget missile compared to one you actively have to guide in

Like I said, learn to use the mechanisms in game to help you. When facing spaa, you do not need to actively guide in your missiles using the EF. You can launch 1-2 brimstones, go into cover and then later pop up. I repeat myself, do you want a video explaining this since you clearly do not know of this or not? Also where did I admit to anything?

Rafale, Su-34, F-15E/F-16C

  1. locate SPAA
  2. Fire 1-6 AGM outside of SPAA range
  3. RTB


  1. Locate SPAA
  2. Fly low and close the distance to within 10km of the target
  3. target the map (awkard to do at the moment but being fixed next major)
  4. fire off Brimstone and waiting for countdown
  5. pop up at the right time, locate the target and point hte laser at it
  6. evade any other SPAA that has started firing at you when you popped up
  7. repeat 1 at a time until you have run out of AGMs

You are doing this while vulnerable to both CAP and most SPAA or even IFV with good aim/IRST

You have to do 10x more work because “reasons”. Given it never used Brimstone 1s as well. It should be given Brimstone 2s at a bare minimum which have much greater range and flexibility. But a better solution for quantity mitigation MUST be found

Missile flies slow as hell, and only has 60 seconds guidance time.

“Hmmm never said I used them on this account have I?”
that is an admission

ive far more experience with top tier cas and planes in general than you do it seems habby lad.
I know fine well how to play the game xD

And Su-34 is a flying HMD-less brick that is free food for CAP. Tradeoffs are a thing.

Getting shot down by IFVs in an EFT is just yikes.
You can deal with AAs as it’s easy for you to overwhelm them with missiles.
EFT is also the best dogfighter so defending against CAP shouldn’t be too problematic.


Clearly not. Improve your stats, they suck.

  1. Gaijin hates USA ground top tier

  2. Abrams DU hull armor isn’t known exactly on which versions it has gotten

  3. Thermal Sights are bad because they’re old tanks

  4. Abrams isn’t THE worst MBT but the worst among major nations (Russia, Germany etc) even Italy, Sweden has better tanks than USA

  5. I don’t have much info on that topic

  6. Engine is still very loud and distinct, putting you in a disadvantage on small maps

  7. M1 is not bad, but it has one of the worst ammo for it’s BR, while also being only 105mm

  8. I don’t main USA anymore, and can confirm that other ground trees are much better

  9. There’s no clear information on Spall Liners on Abrams

  10. Not all army guys knows their vehicles fully, engineers do

  11. It’s both, vehicles and players both are not really good

  12. T-80U’s and Leopards are better than Abrams (I’ve played both)

  13. I’d say 50/50, Abrams have gotten reload buff and ammo buff for lower BR variants, but also has gotten fake internal component nerfs, such as that Hydraulic Pump, which disables you almost all the time, preventing you to fight back after hit. And top vehicle SEP V2 is literally worse than the previous vehicle, you really have to be blind to not see how Gaijin artifically wants to nerf USA ground top tier.

  14. Definitely not, we’re getting premium Ariete next update

  15. Military spending =/= better technology. Do keep in mind that USA is also paying way higher salaries than Russia and China for example.

  16. That’s just insane take, but I agree that it faces opponents way better than it self regularly. I’d say the best Abrams is the M1A1 at 11.3 because it faces 10.7 like 90% of the matches and it’s quiet strong. To give Abrams an fair BR we would need more decompression.

EDIT: TLDR, as much as you’d like to go haha skill issue, a lot of these points are valid disadvantages that add up, and combine that with entire team of average players playing them, it magnifies the problems of these vehicles.

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By that logic, the Tornado Gr4 should have come with FnF LOAL Brimstone 3s when it was added in the same update as the Su-34

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Get a top tier air craft then comment on them lad.
Also My stats are from playing when i was younger hence why stuff that has garbage KD is at the top.

while the stuff with better KDs is creeping up cheiftains are an example. or even the M1A1s and up abrams

Cr1s, leo2s etc etc

seeing as your only response is . Muh your stats suck, ima move on lad youve genuinely no argumentative points about the performance in GRB of these vehicles .

Gr4 at 12.3 has access to PGMs and is at least on par with yet another 12.7 CAS, Su-25SM3.
By that logic, SM3 should either get a dozen Kh-38s or drop to 12.0.

Decompression beats both.

  1. they dont hate US ground… if thats your definition of hate then they must despise the japanese and italian tech tree

  2. the abrams only recieved DU armor in the turret and only recently on the SEP V3, this is a well known fact

  3. how are they bad thermals? starting from the M1A1 AIM you have gen 2 thermals where as the germans dont even get anything other than gen 1 till the 2A7V

  4. it really isnt…

  5. about what topic?

  6. its a gas turbine… its kinda loud if you haven’t already realized, ive only seen them loaded onto trains but they are lound i can guarente you since your essentially shoving a turbing of the UH-60 into a tank just without the rotating rotors

  7. the M774 at 10.7 altho isnt the best APFSDS, it is by no means unusable

  8. uh ok? so confirmation bias?

  9. there was never spall liners on any production model abrams due to the US army being worried about the abram’s weight (we need to ensure they can be transported on trains without issues and loaded onto C-5s if delievered abroad)

  10. i think the people working on it on a daily basis would know more than the people that are paid to just put parts together, but hey what do i know right? i only reasemble blackhawk turbines.

  11. yes the vehicle do have a big impact but if you are a level 1 buying the clickbait you’re not gonna do well… at all, theres a reason why the US’s winrate is so low.

  12. how are you playing the abrams compared to the T-80s and leopards? you are playing a defense orientated tank… you’re not a brawler…

  13. when your hydraulic gets shot by a tungsten dart i dont expect it to work… i dont know what you are smoking… with all due respect when a component gets destroyed it tends to you know… not work… go put a tank round through a car’s engine block and try to start it.

  14. uhh cool, premium ariete

  15. Higher military spending does in fact translates to better technology, it means more money can be invested into projects and prototypes etc, its kinda common sense

  16. if you really wanna get down to it the M1A1 AIM is technically the best abrams being at the lowest BR abrams with gen 2 thermals, the uparmored cheeks n stuff, powercreep is a problem for some vehicle yes but decompressing the BRs wont just make the abrams the most OP tank overnight as much as some would hope

i really dont know what you are on about my guy

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I meant that I don’t have much info on that topic.

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Your logic that “Poor A2A performance = need for more powerful A2G weapons for balance” means that the Gr4 which is DOA against an Su-34 should have more powerful weapons. 3x PGM-2000s comes no where near 6x KH-38s in terms of performance.

Harrier Gr7 = Su-25SM3 and still the Su-25SM3 wins that fight, especially with the artificial nerfs the Harrier Gr7 has like Gen 1 tpod instead gen 2 or 3 and being limited to 4x AGM-65s instead of 6