The development of the Patton series tanks was the start of American MBTs. After the war concluded the US began working on a new tank to improve upon the underpowered M-26. The tank that paves the path to the M-26 is designated the T-26E2 or T40 Proto. This is quite literally a M-26 with an proper engine put in it. This tank would still have the 90mm M3 just with some extra gas. This tank could give players a reason to use a medium tank at 6.7.
Make a proper suggestion
I want it because if it got added at 6.7 it would make the M26 completely useless and I think that’s funny.
Its odd this both isn’t formatted into a suggestion nor is it formatted into a discussion its basically just a statement? I guess. Bare minimum he should have pictures, placed into suggestions and worded as a suggestion. Btw the t26e2 was also named the m45.
The m26 isn’t already useless? having a mediocre gun okay speed and bad armor at 6.7 I NEVER bring it.
Hey @Windex_cleaner15,
If you have a look at the suggestions section of the forum, there’s a format for making vehicle suggestions.
Generally speaking you’d supply any photos, research or documentation to establish the existence of the tank. Ideally you’d also have enough detail on its performance specifications that would give everyone an idea of how it would perform in game, and hopefully allow the devs the basis for modelling the vehicle should it progress that far.
You could argue that all the other 6.7 tanks that “replace” the M26 have some sort of disadvantage compared to it, even if more than compensated by the advantages they provide.
This thing though? It’s objectively better. Same gun, same armor, better mobility.
Personally I think they should lower the M26 to 6.3 then add this at 6.7 because its just better. I personally think US needs a bunch of br changes like the fact the m4/t26 having horrendous armor okay mobility but a good gun… The panther is better in every way at the same br. Maybe what we need is a decompression where EVERYTHING is pushed up to allow panthers to be placed at 6.3 or something.
Another M26 that is the same exact BR as the base M26 but is just better in everyway? Don’t we have 3 of those already?
Thats why I keep over and over again suggesting placing the m26 at 6.3 its honestly just a mediocre tank that I barely see used.
Yeah but gaijin doesn’t listen to reason or sense they just ask the math machine that doesn’t have any idea of what context means to decide BRs.
I mean gaijin turns a blind eye to most of their community until they are review bombed or spammed.(look at the amount of people who complain about CAS with no fix in sight) Also its odd how much the mods like to shut down discussions lol.
It’s just easy to not deal with problems by censoring them
More US science Fiction but we can’t get Leopard Prototypes or Italian versions
science fiction…?
Look at the us TT both air and ground
Aren’t all of them real airplanes and tanks used by the US (tt at least)?
Unlike certain others
Lolz ,50 % of both US and RU TT’s are discarded test beds and some tanks are pure fantasy having wrong guns/ammo that came into service after tanks were removed from service and so on…and to repeat we cannot have Ger or Ita prototypes so we are forced to fight cold war tanks with WWII ones.
Like what? Name tt examples
I think OP got the designations mixed up. The tank they’re describing is probably the M26E2. The T26E2 is, as you said, an alternative designation for the M45.