Besides, your own point is trumped by the fact that the American ‘High-Low’ doctrine is already satisfied by the combination of the F-16C Blk-50 and F-15C/E, meaning that america already has aircraft that satisfy it’s ‘strategy’ as you claim
What I am attempting to disprove is @kitsune_qq 's take that america suffers because export variants are better in game (they currently are not), and in turn offering an alternative viewpoint the the F-15I (and by extension all other Israeli top tier jets) have the potential to co-exist with the US equivalents, but with their own domestic weaponry/equipment; I’m not claiming one has to be explicitly better, just have the Israeli one be genuinely unique, because the IAF is one of the only operators of US 4th gens that has taken their modifications beyond the point of operating simple export models, and instead developing their F-16s/F-15s/F-35s into completely separate and unique variants that deserve to be represented in game
Israel purchased extra radars with their F-15IA package to upgrade the current fleet of Ra’am to AESA as well as bringing the F-15IA into service, besides there have been far more dubious additions made to top tier jets
In this case, an AESA F-15I and E would be pretty balanced against each other. The E would have EPAWSS for 360CM, and they are ALE-47 dispenser so it can carry BriteCloud 218 active decoys. Would both have same radar but I think there is a weakened export model, from what I have read about the APG-82 it is better than the 81 by far, and they wouldn’t allow sale of that kind of tech to Qatar who afaik can’t buy F-35, so there must be an export variant like the APG-70I. F-15E would get GBU-53 and I would get spice 250. F-15E gets 120D-3 and 9X BLK 2, I gets 120C-8 or Derby’s and P5. If the I gets Popeyes, the E should get JASSM’s. I would get a litening variant I think, and E would get Sniper pod
Current ones could coexist if I got spice 250, and E got GBU-53 (without radar seeker)
People dont realize the A10C paired with the Mirage F1C, is very undertiered in sim.
Like, what was gaijin even thinking when they decided to put that monstruosity at 11.7?
That thing could be uptiered to 12.0 or 12.3 and still perform completely fine.
Just with numbers alone, The mirage F1C rules the 11.7 bracket.
Every time im scrolling through the lobbies available at 11.7, i see 70% of every nato team is made of french players.
Goes to show you that the premium spam is just that crazy
I was playing MiG-23MLD a little bit recently and I had 100% of control over every fight. There is nothing that can contest it at 11.3 maybe besides british phantoms because they at least have pdv radars. It should be at 11.7 next to the F-4J/S - its true counterpart.
F-5s only if they drag the mig23s into a turn right. If the mig23s is smart, they will disengage and fight on more favourable terms. The F-5s greatest weakness is poor A2A missiles and a weak radar with no IFF. It’s not until the FCU which is 11.7 that I would accept are a slightly greater threat to the Mig-23s but a mig23 won’t face them in an 11.3 bracket