[quote=“Panter2005, post:1040, topic:191480”]
It wasn’t meta, but it was meta defining. Any deviation from the meta was heavily punished. [/quote]
Sitting in multi-pathing and shooting 9Ms from side aspect was the meta. Going high to sling R-27ER just meant you were a free kill for Aim-7F. Playing in a way that made you a free kill for everyone else was a deliberate choice on your part.
Both Sweden and France can fluctuate to blue side. And they both cannot be paired with Japan. You can revisit some of the earlier arguments in the thread where USA only players were arguing that the game was balanced because red side had the best F-15 and F-16 variants.
The reason France/Sweden in Red was common was because 2/3rds of sim players only wanted to play USA. Which…when you sleep walk to 90 percent wins by virtue of outnumbering and outperforming the vast majority of your opponents…who can blame them?
People literally still think that it is…ergo they keep arguing that it needs to be up-tiered where it would always fight against top tier aircraft.
USA mains were / are opposed to practically anything that puts other nations on a level playing field. Hence your proposal to basically delete tech trees past a certain range and just allow people to grind USA or USSR planes.
People do not like being forced to play vehicles that are uncompetitive in a competitive game. It’s that simple.
What do you think happens to the USA tree at prop tiers of the game balance was based on date that something entered service? It would be Germany slamming P-51Ds out of the sky with Me-163 and Me-262. P-51 D-30 would have to fight Korean war jets.
You don’t have to fear a Phantom or a Harrier in a 4th Gen jet. I played F-15A yesterday and dealing with F-4F ICE / JA-37 was not hard. You look at your RWR, notch the missiles, or multipath…and then force the merge.
You can ambush them from close range. It’s the same tactics that every red side player has had to master over the past year. Surely you can figure it out.
And the gap in performance of your flight model vs theirs is enormous. The fact that you haven’t thought about how to exploit your performance advantages… especially in something like the F-15A…is just a massive lack of imagination. You are faster, you climb better, you turn better.
I don’t have a time machine to send you back in time to experience the spawn camping that red side players have dealt with since fox 3 update. Basically your perspective is that red side spawn camps worse because you are finally having it happen to you.
Give it some time. If the spawn camping from red side half as bad as you claim that it is then player counts for USA will plummet when they realize that they are RP pinatas for stronger planes.
It is speculation but it is based on experience. It’s no different from when MiG-29 flight models were nuked into the ground and caused the popularity of the plane to basically dry up as soon as Aim-9M + F-16C came out.
MICAs lack range but have good acceleration and have good medium range properties. But hey… I’ll be sure to remind you that Rafale = Food when you are eating MICA.