USA A-10C bias needs to be 12.0 to be “fair”

Why did Gaijin allow the A-10C to be at 11.3? That’s a punch in the face considering the fact, the USA already has the best air tech tree.

Now, another vehicle is criminally under Br’d for sim… the A-10C, which gets 4 Aim-9M. If anyone with a brain has played sim, aim-9m are literally game breaking, and so unfair vs anyone. It should be, at the very least 12.0, or 12.3, not sure how the dev team thought 11.3 was “fair”

Meanwhile, the Su-24m at the SAME BR has no where near the same amount of countermeasures, or has aim-9ms. If that is the standard, the Su-24m should get 4 r-73s or something. Not to mention, Su-39, Su-25T, & Su-25SM3 got shafted.

This update felt rushed, and honestly… with all the USA mega buffs (honestly rather biased) I’m starting to become an American main. Because it’s just easy mode. Just like the Abrams lower plate still eating spall for breakfast.


Su-25T is 11.7, so 11.3 for a significantly slower aircraft with similar air-to-air capability is normal.

Su-24M is a mach 1.7 aircraft, going over double the speed of A-10.
Su-24 with R-73s would be 12.7+.


Lets move the Su-24 up to 11.7 because then its the same BR as the Tornado IDS with guided A2G weapons.


Tornado IDS is 11.3 in ground RB, and the others are 11.3 in air RB.
The BRs are fine for the Tornados and Su-24.


Aim-9ms are game-breaking? They are marginally better than Aim-9Ls, and on the A-10 platform they would be pretty mediocre.


Air sim thread, so air sim BRs.

Tornado Gr1, ASSTA1 and A200A are 11.7 because (and only because) they have guided A2G weapons.

Therefore Su-24M should be 11.7 because it has guided A2G weapons.


Oh, fair. If there’s a bracket difference between 11.3 and 11.7… maybe. 9Ls are FAR more powerful in sim than R-60Ms tho.
Guided weapons aren’t a major thing for air sim as they are ground modes.


Yep. Would bump you down a sim bracket on rotation 2. (Tornado A200, WTD61 and MFG are 11.3)

eh… I could make the argument the Su-24M has the Gimbal gun which might be good in Sim and 4x R-60Ms vs 2x Aim-9Ls. Also Su-24 has built in tpod for VID and the Tornados would have to take an external one (if they had one) But honestly… neither aircraft should actually be trying to dogfight. The question is can it actually get to an objective. do something and then get home again.

That is something the Su-24 should be just fine at doing but if Gaijin insists that 3x Tornados are higher because they have guided weapons and guided weapons are apparently OP for Air modes. Then it should be universal for all nations.

Also a tad mad at the Su-24 becuase its the third soviet aircraft to get ground radar and no one else is apparently allowed ground radar, like the Tornado, F-111, Gripen, A-6, etc etc etc


Tornadoes also go faster and maneuver better.
Also Tornado MFG and all F-111s have their functional radars.

Priority is given to weapons that can use them.
A-4 and A-7 had radars until they were misused and now they’re removed, likely until they overhaul how radars work.

Su-25T[export] is just Ka-52’s radar modes with a longer range, can’t be abused if it’s an already existing radar with limitations.

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Only tracks naval targets, thats it. Should be all targets


That’s because it’s supersonic, for starters. It also has an arguably better array of weaponry.

It’s subsonic and slow however, so it’s an easier target, but it has better self defense weapons. Therefore the Su-24M is the opposite of the A-10.

Also the Su-24M was designed to be a low altitude precision frontline strike aircraft. It has a MAWS system, and two different RWR’s, and (not modeled) a ground search radar w/ PD radar.

Haven’t really had the chance to deal with either yet.

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Again, it was misused and requires a radar overhaul to fix.

People were slaving their F&F munitions to radar that was fairly long range.
Su-24M’s radar is also incorrect range of only 25km, so that’s obviously a test on the live client for something that’ll be part of something bigger in a future update.

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Another Russia main crying and making up issues again. How boring.


Speed isn’t everything you know. If that’s the case, the Su-39, su-25t, su-25bm, and su-25SM3 should all go down in br, because they lack any thermal, and are slower than and F-4S.

The US vehicles, (many) get gen 2 or 3 thermals which drastically enhance their performance


Clearly you don’t know the power of an aim—9m, ESPECIALLY IN SIM. The a-10 also out turns pretty much every aircraft other than a biplane.

Do I need to bring up “muh spall-liners” when American mains literally were about to hack gaijin, because you didn’t get a spall liner… or the lower plate - “visual” bug, where the lower plate doesn’t spall? That’s been in the game for years and years. It’s not a visual bug in the slightest.


IF, its the countermeasures were doubled
I’d rather see the Su-24m become 11.7, get 2 r-73, and 2 r-60m, and fix its radar.

Still, the A-10C out classes the Su-24M in every way, other than speed.

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Didn’t know the F-4S had AIM-9Ms/R-73s.

I was talking about speed… but okay…
Those planes are all significantly slower than an F-4S, or any F-4 for that matter, or F5, F-105, etc.

So what you are saying is that the Harrier Gr7 at 12.7 should be 11.0 because its slower than the Su-24?

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I did not say that at all actually, someone else did, that is why I quoted them :)