USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

There is no Pantsir in Sim EC and there are no battle ratings in Sim Ground. People aren’t complaining that the A-10C is busted in SB Ground.

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You can take the pod and mavericks at the same time. You can do it by equipping APKWS rockets after you equip the mavericks.

Technically a good run in the A-10C can destroy 11 ground targets in one pass if done correctly. Launch Mavericks under 6 miles, follow up with 4 JDAMs, and then use the pod to laser guide a final Paveway. And after that you can just strafe the rest of them pretty easily.

Even if the maverick thing gets patched…the A-10 will still be able to take around 9 guided munitions. Technically it can be 14 iirc if you take a pure Paveway load but that requires effectively making one pass per target.

Fair, it is really strong in air and specifically sim.

A lot of people seem to think that the A-10C isn’t an absolute joke at 12.0 in ground, so I wasn’t sure if you were talking about ground or air, as “muh jdams” is usually used as an argument why the A-10C is fine in ground RB at 12.0.

Are you sure you can count?

SM3 - 4 F&F AGMs / 4 F&F Bombs ← All take the same pylons
A10C →
6 x AGM-65
6 x JDAM (Only 2 overlap with AGM pylons)

Which means at worst you have 6 F&F weapons. Which is 2 more than the Frogfoot. But assuming best case scenario, you’ve got 6 AGM 65s and 4 JDAMs. Or if we’re ignoring F&F as a requirement and only looking at guided ordnance, you can take 6 AGM 65s, 42 AGR-20s, and 2 JDAMs. Applying the same criteria to Su 25 you get 6. Now we know that frogfoot has a bit of a limited payload, so let’s compare it to the 39.

Su 39 Best Case →
16 x Vikhr
2 x Kh 29
2 x Kh 25

I dunno, but that still seems less guided ordnance.

JDAM is F&F about the same as the ordinary iron bomb…

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GL to use JDAMs on so slow plane)
Same with paveway
But well, a bit

  • you cant use 6 LAU-88 w/ tgp
    Only by bug

AGR-20 useless against tanks
But yes, if you count anti SPG(theres no other things that it can destroy tbh) will be that much

This is for Air sim, also, even in Grb, if it was 12.0 it wouldn’t matter, people will play 11.7 with it being 11.3.

In fact, it would have been rewards if it was 12.0, if you haven’t considered that.

You mentioned pantsirs in the post I replied to, so it’s fair to assume that part was about ground battles.

11.3 still means you can actually use it in some games instead of being a free snack for Pantsirs with at least 1 braincell all of the games.

What do you mean with this? Ground or air battles?

Someone mentioned pansirs in a previous post, and I was replying.

Also, I meant better rewards. Auto correct hung me.

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