USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

You’ll have to load up the game and have a look in the top right

I can’t fly effectively enough to lead properly rn anyways. Right click stick on Xbox isn’t working, same thing happened last update. And I have a lot of controls for sim on it.

Look at this one. “not a bug”

Just a consideration- APFSDS is janky AF. The HSTV-L’s XM885 doesn’t spall at all.

APFSDS just needs a buff in general

Really? I get it to spall pretty often. I hated getting killed by it, so I grinded it out. I’ve been pretty satisfied ngl.

The only thing I hate fighting is the same thing I hate fighting in Russia, it’s the damn Leo2a7V and the Strv 122b+

It’s a dice role. Sometimes it one-shots, sometimes you put 5 rounds into the side of the tank right into the crew and it does F all.

F-5s and A-10s are special, they can easily avoid misiles with IRCC that in other planes are really hard to avoid. I would like to see WT source code XD

Everyone does. The issue is top tier compression, but that is convo for another thread

lol Don’t like to fight something that you had to aim weakspot while playing Russia do you?

The source code is “get F-d”

But I still have to say the A-10C is getting a positive KD in the matches I’m seeing.

It should become 12.0, if it performs too poorly it can be 11.7, but I somehow doubt it, if it was wiping mug-23MLs

I said both USA and Russia, I guess you pick and choose

Probably because the F-5’s engines are cold relative to other planes and the A-10’s engine is technically shrouded by a bypass with no afterburner.

That is all the fault of this:

A total ground up IR overhaul would make the game so much better. But A-10 should be a colder target than most

The leopards are absolutely broken. The turret is invulnerable against everything but the top echelon of APFSDS rounds. Trying to grind out the Sep V2 with M829 has been a pain

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Isn’t the turret immune to all except ATGMs boasting 1000mm or more pen?

Well the tail is supposed to help “supposedly” but they are two big heat boxes pretty close, not as close as the Su-25s tho

Fighting any top tier tanks without top round is pain overall

Im just thinking about the gun breach. It just absorbs the stock APFSDS

They are above the tail to make MANPADs harder to lock on if I recall correctly. With the right engine configuration, you can totally block IR Locks from certain angles

For Example:

This is for the Sea harrier:



It should be able to prevent any rear-aspect IR missile from locking on, by placing the wing between the exhaust nozzles and the missile (doesnt work in game btw)

Possibly even enough to prevent an Aim-9L locking on under the right conditions:



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Some nations have it harder than others. The abrams can die pretty easily to 3BM42 through the breach.