How is anyone supposed to compete with the bias Su34 and the KH25ML ? they’ve made it overperform in the game while the NATO equivalent goes .09 mach compared to 2.0 mach lol The Devs really need to play the game and see how grossly unbalanced everything is.
Typhoon and Rafale absolutely hammer them in the sky although have trash CAS capability in comparison
Cope. The Rafale and F-15E both can do the Su-34’s job. And it’s not the Kh-25ML, its the Kh-38MT you’re talking about.
He hasn’t played Russia so he doesn’t get a grasp of how overrated the nation is.
Like seriously, you have 1, maybe 2 competitive top tier tanks, and aside from that you get the Pantsir and great CAS.
good lord those player stats.
Russian tanks are not the best in WT (even with the nerfs to nato vehicles to keep russian stuff even viable lmao) but CAS and SPAA are the strongest things for USSR for most of the tree. Radar spaa before anyone else and some unfairly balanced cas options like the SU-9
Dont know about that. US dominates the cas game. The US only loses in the category of “pure cas”. Pure cas is only good when the skies are clear.
They do have some good spaa at certain brs though
Another topic where you’re praising Soviet equipment.
F-16C and F-15E type weapons have been in the game 2 years before Su-34.
Just cause the Soviets got ONE plane on-par with NATO doesn’t mean it’s more powerful.
Probably the weakest at 8.0-9.0 area when we have things like M247 and PGZ09, HEVT and stealth ammo is a game changer, their AA ability is light years ahead and put Shilkas to shame lol
Su-9 is literally identical to all other 7.0 CAS in War Thunder, there’s nothing OP about it.
M163 also isn’t Soviet.
I would take the a2d over the su9 for cas any day
We’ve at point anything besides Rafale/Typhoon is obsolete, sure F15 can deal with pantsir but with that airframe and mach limit with bombs, its nowhere near close to typhoon. Only thing makes up for russia today is the pantsir’s existence( they wouldn’t have above %30wr if it wasnt in the game)
lol LMAO!
1- Win rate is team skill, it has nothing to do with vehicles of that BR.
2- Pantsir is not powerful, it’s mediocre and sub-par to the CAS it’s facing. Pantsir can’t cause win rate deficits. CAS being unable to capture points due to being CAS does that.
3- Spawning CAS is a SP deficit which is a reckless decision.
4- F-15E, Su-34, Rafale, etc out-range Typhoon,.
Typhon and especially Rafale havin trash CAS capability ? Excuse me ?
It’s honestly surprising there is not more whining about Rafale in the Forum, guess because there are way less players.
And with the Typhon it’s just less whining because it doesn’t rack up all the kills in 15 sec but needs some time to do it.
Rafale is as much of a disease as SU-34 is, if not worse…
Lately, I’ve seen those disgusting creatures racking up 5-6 kills on a single pass in a matter of seconds; all outside of SPAA range (besides Pantsir).
At least Eurofighters need 13-15 business days to hit a single target by comparison.
i mean typhoon yesish, its gets no fnf armament, but the ragale hammer? jesus that one can be duckcrap
So basically, whole lineup?
What do you need more? 2 good tanks, good spaa and good cas.
USA gets a minimum of 4, 5 if you count the HSTV-L (other screenshots won’t include light tanks)
Germany gets a minimum of 4, 5 if you count the TAM (TAM = Argentinian Medium Tank)
Great Britain, while not the most competitive, still gets a lot of spawns, atleast 6 (Worse than Russia depending on how you look at it)
Japan is decent too, at 3 or 5
China gets 3, being all of the 12.0’s, which are worse than Russian tanks (Worse than Russia)
Italy is sad, having 1 competitive 12.0 but tons of great IFV supports (Worse than Russia)
France is absolutely stacked at 6
Sweden has the best tanks in game and 4 of them
Israel is kinda mid, but nevertheless they have 3, being the 12.0 Merkavas (Worse than Russia)
every nations top CAS reguarly gets 4-5 kills in the span of seconds, regardless of “bias”. all AAs have to be buffed including the pantsir
kh 38mt have also been in the game on su25 for a long time, and most people considered it better in pure cas than the f16C but worse in self defense, so im not sure why your pretending RU cas was bad before the su34, the imbalance was still there because of the pantsir and the range of the kh38 the su34 just made the imbalance worse.
the US dominated the CAS game until a British fighter goes into the sky as we don’t have any viable SPAA at all true