US helicopters and Apaches of other nations missing Hellfire variants that make them competitive

If you’re incapable of posting without being extremely toxic why don’t you just avoid this topic?

Asking for more advanced ATGMs for top tier helis doesn’t seem that absurd to me. It’s pretty difficult to be effective in a heli at top tier now with the current AA in game.

The 114Ls would only be as strong as they are modeled. There are ways to balance them.

Additionally the current hellfire Ks are only stopped by smoke of the player is aware they are coming. Most people aren’t randomly popping smoke in case a hellfire is coming. Even if they smoke you can still guide them in as well by focusing the lazer near target until it’s close to impact and then guiding to the center of the cloud.

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Brimstones :P


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This probably the only reason i would want to see them because it would benifit multiple nations. And as some have pointed out there is no reason to believe that they have to come with full capabilities.

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Yes assuming you saw the missile coming in and your engine is working. Generally your engine will be knocked out and despite throwing smoke you have 12 more missiles coming to kill you.

I fail to see the sudden balance difference between the two.

Skill issue on your part, get good

LWS is a thing, and will be more and more relevant with new additions, besides that you can notice tze missles easily and after the first death by them the whole team knows

Also, hellfire it needs optical lock all time until it hit the target what is that mean? a little of smoke or bushes can ruin your entire flight time of hellfire Vikhr at least can guide by hand if lost lock.

The same exact response can be used against your argument for not adding the Longbow variant.

On Russian / Chinese / Japanese / Italian / Israeli tanks

The US isn’t blessed with this system but it’s already fighting against Spikes / Vikhrs, why can the other nations who have equipment to warn them of an incoming missile not utilize this?

Cause USA and Germany still didnt recieved their most advanced tanks, same goes for French Leclerc series and their missing equipments.

Can do that right now with vikhurs so L take

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SO you support downtiering all apaches right?

i would support further uptering KA 50/52 yes

I can easily track targets through smoke with a vikhur? You can’t? It’s almost like 90%+ of shots through smoke are on static targets repairing or reversing slowly than actually repositioning

Moving the KA-50 / 52 up doesn’t change the underperformance of the Apaches

Why is it unbalanced for the more technologically advanced missile to be more accurate?

One can already shoot through smoke, it’s unbalanced that there would be competition?

They can either accept Longbow Hellfires with limited features or they can stuck with K model Hellfires.

İm pretty sure most of the Apache users will choose the first option.

either way there is pictures of Apaches testing Spike ER missles, they propably just will end up adding them to all

Might be.

But i still prefer faster spikes aka Longbow Hellfires with limited features.

maybe, but the crybabies will be a problem either way