7.3 facing 8.7 and 8.3 jets is the most absurd, broken gameplay I have ever experienced in my life.
How anyone “play tested” this and called it good is beyond me. Truly malevolent game design. The amount of time and effort I put into this game, to reach this point, just to hit a brick wall is cruel and has truly sucked any form of fun this game had to offer.
Now, I enjoy 1 maybe 2 out of 10 matches I play, half of them I just leave without even spawning. Is this really the game you had in mind Gaijin?
Think again.
8.7, 8.3, 8.0 = BR 8.3 learn how the BR system works before commenting.
Yeah bud, It is. I take my 9.3 into 9.0 all the time by using 9.3, 9.0, 8.7. You clearly do not grasp how the BR system works. Want a screenshot or you going to tell me thats wrong too?
I was going to say I was agreeing with you if it wasn’t clear but if you’re going to be so snarky now I won’t bother.
Since your point is exclusive to AB you may want to consider changing your tag from “general” to “arcade”, though.
I dont think you know what exclusive means.
Uptiers happen across all gamemodes. Thanks for your time. If you’ve got nothing useful to include, dont bother commenting.
But not 7.3 to 8.7 uptiers. That’s air ab exclusive.
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No thanks. Wouldnt solve compressed uptiers anway. Facing a full spaded 8.7 in a stock 7.7 is absurd no matter the gamemode.
uptiers are really not much of an issue until planes get missles idk how its with arcade you probably havent seen a missle