hello everyone, today I want to talk about a subject highly controversial, the volumetric mechanic and the possible upgreat for it because let’s be honest, this mecanic sucs.
The first thing to do is to considerate that when hiting two different pieces of armor of same thicness, the amor thicness of said pieces isn’t double but is egal to to the thicness of the plate.
In the same time, if the plate are of two different thicness, the thicness that have to be take into acount is the thicness of the most armored pieces that was hit. However, this lead to an other issues : what if one of the armor plate hit by can’t be penetrated ? In this case I can see three option : if less than 50% of the shell hit the armor plate it can’t pen, the shell will pen but will be devieted of it orginal course. If 50% of the shell it the plate hit cannot pen, then it is a 50/50 chance of pen and non-pen. If more than 50% of the shell hit the plate that cannot be pen, then it is a non-pen.
An other thing that have to be change is how heat and other shape-charged shell interact with the armor. The first thing to do is to give to the copper jet a volumetric size. Then, the explosion of the heat should be decided with the part of armor hit bu the shell but the capability of the copper jet to pen the armor is decided by how the copper jet hit the armor.
For exemple, if the edge of an heat shell hit a mudgard like the ones on the soviet t34, curently the game will take into acount the thicness of the mudgard and of the side armor. With those change, the heat would detonate on the mudgard but the armor that will be take into acount will be the one that get hit by the copper jet. This would make mudgard less broken and heat a bit less hard and depressing to use.
One last thing to do would be to reduce the volumetric size of every shell by 5 to 10% and reduce the volumetric size of track by 15 to 20% and suppress the hit-box of already destroyed track.
This will be be it for today, if you think that those change would make the game better, please show some support on this post, we might be able to make volumetric change and make the game better. thank you for your time and attention and have a nice day.
TLDR : volumetric is broken, please change it.
edit : also reduce the volumetric size of tank barel by 10%.