Not even funny at this point ………
oh yeah ?
like mine to show confutation to him lol
I really hope those Trst level requirements can manually be adjusted so we can actually edit stuff.
Do I need to make my suggestions again? So all of my work has gone in vain?
They were in vain to begin with.
No change.
all still available on . Question now only is if we have to move our suggestions ourselves or if the forum staff will do it.
Why are we supposed to do that. We didn’t ask for this nre forum
I bet since its a new start, someone will be able to take your suggestions/work and recreate them and take credit for it.
Cant even edit.🤣🤣
And because they are too stupid to even give us suboforums, EVERY suggestion is stored in the same section where you would have to scroll through thousands of suggestions to find the ones you want to read
Im really scared of that. I have suggestions I worked hard on and I don’t want them stolen…
You can sort by tags, but even if someone just puts a wrong tag the whole system’s compromised right from the get-go.
At the very least we should’ve been warned about the change well in advance and given a look at how the new site works. Waking up to find the entire forum we knew has gone (I know it’s still up in read-only) is a bit jarring to say the least.
Based on the people I have met in this game, I have 0 trust in half the people here being able to tag their posts appropriately
It doesn’t look great on PC no, though whether or not that’s personal taste I don’t know.
its way worse on pc
there are at least a resemblance of subforums on mobile
Not a fan of this new change, feels too modern in a vapid sort of way, I liked the old model better, feels more permanent.
The least forum-like forum I have ever used